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You can now "pin" articles, bounties and reference docs to your profile page. Pinning unlocks a new badge and alerts the author that you've added their article to your page.
Want to skip the badges, feedback forms and bounty hunting and just deposit SATS to your profile? Grab a lightning-supported Bitcoin wallet and click the “Add SATS” button on the SATS page.
Need some help from the WD community? Post a bounty! Each bounty has a SAT reward—decided by you, based on the available SATS in your account—that gets awarded to the author of the selected answer (also decided by you).
If you’re an author, readers can send you SATS by tipping your articles. Users have the option of adding a comment with their tip as well as being able to tip anonymously. SATS (or Satoshi coins, named after Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto) are the smallest unit of Bitcoin recorded on the blockchain—100m SATS are equal to 1 BTC.