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What are some technique for email validation in JavaScript? More than just checking the format… I want to know if it’s a real email.

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Feb 05.2022
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Front-endFull-stack DeveloperJavaScript

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@JaySODec 05.2022 — There is no foolproof way to validate an email address in JavaScript because email addresses can have many different formats and there is no definitive list of valid email addresses. However, there are some techniques that you can use to check if an email address is likely to be valid.

One technique is to use a regular expression to match the email address against a pattern that defines a valid email address. This pattern can include rules for the allowed characters, the length of the local part and the domain part of the email address, and the presence of required elements such as an @ symbol and a dot (.) in the domain part. For example:

function isEmailValid(email) {
// Define a regular expression for a valid email address
const emailRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/;

// Check if the email address matches the regular expression
return emailRegex.test(email);

This code defines a regular expression that matches an email address with a local part and a domain part, separated by an
@ symbol. The regular expression allows for various combinations of letters, numbers, and special characters in the local part, and it requires the domain part to have at least one dot (.) followed by one or more letters. The test method is used to check if the email address matches the regular expression.

Another technique is to check if the domain part of the email address has a valid domain name that is registered and has an associated mail server. This can be done using the
getMX method of the dns module in Node.js, which looks up the MX (mail exchange) records of a domain and returns an array of mail servers for that domain. For example:

<code>const dns = require('dns');

function isEmailValid(email) {
// Extract the domain part of the email address
const domain = email.split('@')[1];

// Use the getMX method to look up the MX records of the domain
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =&gt; {
dns.getMX(domain, (err, mxRecords) =&gt; {
if (err) {
} else {
// Check if there are any MX records for the domain
resolve(mxRecords.length &gt; 0);

This code uses the
split method to extract the domain part of the email address and then uses the getMX method to look up the MX records of the domain. If the getMX` method returns any MX records, it means that the domain has a mail server and the email address is likely to be valid. However, this technique only checks if the domain has a mail server, it does not actually verify that the email address exists.

In summary, there is no surefire way to validate an email address in JavaScript, but you can use regular expressions and DNS lookups to check if an email address is likely to be valid. Regular expressions can be used to match the email address against a pattern that defines a valid email address, while DNS lookups can be used to check if the domain part of the email address has a valid domain name and a mail server. However, these techniques only provide a best-effort validation of an email address and they cannot guarantee that the email address is actually real.


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