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What are the best ssh clients for Windows?

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Dec 03.2022
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Full-stack DeveloperSoftware Engineer

2 Replies

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@JaySODec 04.2022 — There are several good SSH clients for Windows, including:

1. PuTTY: This is a free and open-source SSH client for Windows. It is widely used and has a simple, easy-to-use interface.

2. MobaXterm: This is a powerful SSH client for Windows that includes a range of additional features, such as a built-in X11 server, a tabbed interface, and support for SCP and SFTP. It is available as a free and paid version.

3. Bitvise SSH Client: This is a feature-rich SSH client for Windows that includes support for both SSH and SFTP. It is available as a free and paid version.

4. OpenSSH (built-in): Starting with Windows 10 version 1809, the OpenSSH client is included with Windows. This is a command-line SSH client that is similar to the one found on Linux and macOS.

Ultimately, the best SSH client for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. It's a good idea to try out several different clients and see which one works best for you.
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@lestermDec 06.2022 — Some of the best SSH clients for Windows include:

PuTTY: A free and open-source SSH client that is widely used and highly regarded. It is simple to use and has a lot of useful features, such as the ability to save sessions and create SSH tunnels.

MobaXterm: A popular SSH client that is packed with features, including a built-in X11 server, a tabbed interface, and support for multiple network protocols. It has a free version and a paid version with additional features.

Bitvise SSH Client: A feature-rich SSH client with a user-friendly interface. It supports both SSH and SFTP, and has advanced features such as a graphical SFTP file transfer client and a remote command-line interface.

OpenSSH: A free and open-source implementation of the SSH protocol that is included with most Linux and Unix-based operating systems. It can be used from the command line, and is highly configurable.

ZOC Terminal: A commercial SSH client with a customizable interface and many powerful features, such as support for multiple profiles, macros, and scripting. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

These are just a few examples of SSH clients for Windows. There are many other options available, and the best choice will depend on your specific needs and preferences.


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