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WD tutorial on developing a WordPress theme that leverages the new Full Site Editing feature

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Jul 29.2022

We’re looking for a full tutorial on building a WordPress theme that utilizes the new Full Site Editing feature. Ideal articles will briefly explain what FSE is and why it’s a useful alternative to traditional WP theme development.

To claim this bounty, the article must be published on webdeveloper.com by an approved author—to request author access, submit this form (must be logged in).

Bonus SATS (via author tips) available for articles that get featured on the home page!

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1 Replies

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@steimeFeb 15.2023 — https://webdeveloper.com/tips-tricks/how-to-develop-a-wordpress-theme-that-leverages-the-new-full-site-editing-feature/ You find the article here
@themolitorThis article is empty?Feb 15.2023
@steimeSorry, the publishing was not working. It should be visible nowFeb 15.2023
@themolitor🔥Feb 15.2023
@themolitorThis tutorial could really benefit from screenshots for parts that refer to WordPress UI 😉Feb 15.2023
@steimeThe first one is there, I will add more, when I find some timeFeb 16.2023
@themolitor🤜🤛Feb 16.2023
@steimeI wanted to add the screenshots, but I wasn't able to do it. Looks like there is an issue with the editor.Feb 24.2023
@themolitorThanks for the heads up! Looking into it…Feb 24.2023
@themolitorOkay, should be fixed now. Try one more time?Feb 24.2023
@steimeIt worked, thank you. The article is now finished.Feb 24.2023


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