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How can I prevent a textarea from being resized?

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Jun 05.2022
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3 Replies

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@OnlineDevelopersFeb 13.2023 — You can prevent a textarea from being resized by using CSS. Add the following code to your stylesheet:

textarea {
resize: none;

This sets the resize property to none, which disables the resize feature for the textarea element. As a result, the user won't be able to adjust its size.
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@OusseemFeb 13.2023 — You can prevent a textarea from being resized by using the CSS resize property. The resize property can be set to none to disable resizing for a textarea element.

Here's an example:


You can also add this property to your CSS file:

textarea {
resize: none;
This will prevent the textarea from being resized by the user, whether by dragging the edges of the textarea or by using the resize handle that is present in some browsers.
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@JaySODec 05.2022 — To prevent a textarea from being resized, you can use CSS to set the resize property to none.

Here is an example:

textarea {
resize: none;

This will prevent the user from being able to resize the textarea by dragging the corners of the element. However, they may still be able to resize the textarea by using the keyboard shortcut. To completely prevent resizing, you can also set the rows and cols attributes of the textarea element to specify the exact dimensions that the textarea should have.

Here is an example:

<textarea rows="10" cols="40"></textarea>

In this example, the textarea will have a fixed size of 10 rows and 40 columns, and the user will not be able to resize it in any way.


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