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How do you capitalize the first letter of a string using JavaScript?

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Dec 05.2022

A developer may be working on a customer account management page and want to display the customer’s name with the first letter capitalized, regardless of how the name was entered into the system. How would the developer use JavaScript to capitalize the first letter of the customer’s name before displaying it on the website?

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Front-endFull-stack DeveloperJavaScript

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@JaySODec 05.2022 — To capitalize the first letter of a string in JavaScript, you can use the charAt and toUpperCase methods of the String object. For example:

function capitalize(str) {
// Get the first character of the string
const firstChar = str.charAt(0);

// Convert the first character to uppercase
const upperCaseFirstChar = firstChar.toUpperCase();

// Return the string with the capitalized first character
return upperCaseFirstChar + str.slice(1);

This code defines a capitalize function that takes a string as an argument and returns the string with the first character capitalized. The charAt method is used to get the first character of the string, and the toUpperCase method is used to convert the first character to uppercase. The capitalized first character is then concatenated with the rest of the string using the slice method, which returns a new string with the first character removed.

You can use the capitalize function like this:

const myString = 'hello world';
const capitalizedString = capitalize(myString);
console.log(capitalizedString); // Output: "Hello world"

In this code, the capitalize function is called with the myString variable as an argument, and the returned value is stored in the capitalizedString variable. The console.log statement prints the capitalizedString, which is the original string with the first character capitalized.

Note that this solution only works for capitalizing the first character of a string. To capitalize the first character of each word in a string, you can use a different approach that involves splitting the string into words and then capitalizing the first character of each word. For example:

function capitalize(str) {
// Split the string into words
const words = str.split(' ');

// Capitalize the first character of each word
const capitalizedWords = words.map(function(word) {
const firstChar = word.charAt(0);
const upperCaseFirstChar = firstChar.toUpperCase();
return upperCaseFirstChar + word.slice(1);

// Join the capitalized words into a single string
return capitalizedWords.join(' ');

This code defines a capitalize function that takes a string as an argument and returns the string with the first character of each word capitalized. The split method is used to split the string into an array of words, and the map method is used to iterate over the array of words and capitalize the first character of each word. The join method is then used to join the array of capitalized words into a single string.

You can use the capitalize function like this:

const myString = 'hello world';
const capitalizedString = capitalize(myString);
console.log(capitalizedString); // Output: "Hello World"

In this code, the capitalize function is called with the myString variable as an argument, and the returned value is stored in the capitalizedString variable. The console.log statement prints the capitalizedString, which is the original string with the first character of each word capitalized.


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