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Christopher John

Machine Learning
Technical Writing
UX Engineer
Web 3
Design + Dev. Created tw-rl.com. Building WebDeveloper.com. Launched promoted.com 🤘
Pacific Northwest
Owned & Operated


When hovering over blocks in the WordPress editor, Wayfinder displays the block type and class names, making it 100x easier to identify and select the blocks you're trying to edit.
Curating just got easier. tw-rl officially has a browser extension for Google Chrome available for install! Now you can preview and edit your cards w/o having to visit your profile page.
Created tw-rl.com, a bookmarking and curation tool for tweets, threads and other links around the web. Responsible for (1) API integrations, (2) branding/logo design, (3) and site design/development.
Fun little side project I started as a way to easily get notified when a particular campsite was available. Powered by recreation.gov
That Book™ aims at taking the traditional e-book experience to the next level by including video and audio as alternate methods for consuming the book content. As a co-founder, I was responsible for (1) full site development, (2) custom payment system with stripe/PayPal/Apple Pay support, and (3) audio/video integration that includes an innovative audio playback solution I came up with called “Audio Content Highlighting”.
Co-founded epicjobs.co, a twitter-powered job board. Responsible for (1) site development, (2) Twitter API integration,(3) stripe payment integration and (4)user account management system.
RIVYT [riv·et] is an instant landing page generator for video creators. RIVYT can take your Twitch or YouTube channel and automatically create a branded site — in seconds. As a co-founder, I was responsible for (1) the branding/logo design, (2) the “RIVYT panel” sidebar design/development as well as (3) designing/developing 16 layout options for users to select.
fullride.me is a crowdfunding platform where students can list all their education expenses with individual donation goals. As the founder of this project, I was responsible for (1) all branding/logo design, (2) site design/development, and (3) marketing fullride.me at student-based events.
Contributed to
With over 30,000+ customers worldwide, achieved “Power Elite” status on ThemeForest.net after generating over $1.25M in WordPress theme sales as “THE MOLITOR”.
Getting the “Video too small” error in Google Search Console, but video is larger than minimum size requirements
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Thoughts on NOSTR?
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See through barber pole 💈
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Can’t stop clicking these buttons by @jonkantner 🤘
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[update] Commenting System Improvements
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Welcome to the Community forum! 👋
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Introducing the latest member of the WD team: Davinci•003
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How to: LIVE Stream on WebDeveloper.com with Twitch
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How to: Post a Bounty on WebDeveloper.com
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Bitcoin Wallets that use the Lightning Network
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How to: Create a custom ‘Forgot Password’ page in WordPress with Magic Links and wp_mail()
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How to: Write an article with WebDeveloper.com [v2]
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[update] Commenting System Improvements
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Welcome to the Community forum! 👋
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What is the future of DevOps in a GPT4 World
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Force CloudFlare to add trailing slash with Page Rules
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The Beginners Guide to Github
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Global styles and the future of CSS in WordPress
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SEO for Non-Scumbags: How to Earn Site Visitors without Selling Your Soul
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Specifies the accent color for different user-interface controls Syntax accent-color: auto|color|initial|inherit;   /* accent-color: blue; accent-color: auto; */ Values auto The browser chooses the accent color. color Specifies the color to be used. Can use RGB, hex, or named-color. initial Sets property to default value. inherit Sets property to the value of its parent element.

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The datalist tag defines a list of <option> elements that are connected to an <input> element. It provides an autocomplete feature for input elements. Syntax The <datalist> id attribute must match the <input> element’s list attribute. <label for="color">Select your favorite color:</label> <input list="colors" name="color" id="color"> <datalist id="colors"> <option value="blue"> <option value="green"> <option value="yellow"> <option value="orange"> […]

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The <abbr> tag is wrapped around an acronym to identify it as such and, optionally, what it stands for. Syntax Uses the optional title tag to spell out what the abbreviation stands for. <abbr title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</abbr>

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The clamp() CSS function let’s you define a range of values for the property of an element. It’s especially useful in responsive layouts when used in conjunction with relative units like vw and vh. Syntax clamp() uses 3 parameters: a minimum, preferred, and maximum value. /* propery: clamp(min, pref, max); */ width: clamp(100px, 6vw, 200px); […]

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Image To Grid Transition
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How To Get Started Creating Your First Custom WordPress Block
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How I built avatars in Lemon Squeezy using Vue
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Unique Ways To Style Text Links with CSS
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A Brief History of Webmastery
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version: 0.1.9 BETA 7.27,
whats_new: community page,
up_next: more Davinci•003 tasks,
coming_soon: events calendar,
social: @webDeveloperHQ,
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version: 0.1.9,
notes: added community page

version: 0.1.8,
notes: added Davinci•003

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notes: upvote answers to bounties

version: 0.1.6,
notes: article editor refresh
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tipper: @qewfun,
tipped: live stream
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tipper: @qewfun,
tipped: live stream
amount: 5000 SATS,

tipper: @qewfun,
tipped: live stream
amount: 5000 SATS,