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Sibert Bronzon

Full-stack Developer
Network Management
Server Management
Web 3
Web Hosting
I have used an unknown RAD tool for several years connecting a datafile. Using Postgresql on Debian and I am today familiar with basic SQL. Now trying to learn Go. Using Golang for our website. Built by HTML, CSS and Javascript and Go as engine.


Web development by Go language is a challenge. Not because Go is a hard language to learn, but the ecosystem for web development is not that mature. And the Go community help is limited regarding web development using Go. This "portal" is aimed to document my efforts to grasp this. Go is the engine, but most parts consists of the "holy trinity" (HTML, CSS and JS). But upon this you may need "javascript libraries" that are basically other "languages".
Is this login process safe enough?
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Semantic HTML Structure?
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Semantic HTML Structure?
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Fare Thee Well
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Thoughts on this login procedure?
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Testing the new functions of this forum and hoping for feedback on ToDo site…
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event.target href
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addEventlistener question
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Trap changes in sessionStorage?
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Load HTML Templates from local files?
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Preload initial data and store into localStorage?
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Use string as parameter to variable?
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Select href in a ul list depending on value in window.location.href
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SVG icons on-the-fly?
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Hide text in a box using width 0?
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String to binary simpler than this?
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Publish changes. Subscribe on changes. How to think?
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Websockets question
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Flex does not work on Safari
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Anything could be done in a better or simpler way?
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Replace an edited table row
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How do I use this: [object Promise]?
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Return values from fetch()
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fetch changes method automatically from PUT to OPTIONS?
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insertCell one liner possible?
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svg symbol as CSS background?
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Arrow down/up to select in a list?
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Get parent class when clicking on a svg element?
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How to work with themes?
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Dynamic Menus?
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filter json several keys
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Very random popup menu
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Wrong target when click on svg element
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“variable” as switch statement does not work?
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Position a rotated details / summary
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Better or simpler ways to create a list dynamically?
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Dynamic link to svg?
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Double Click OR Single Click in a table?
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Simpler way to both data-attribute AND data to a element?
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Best way to populate a table from JSON?
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Align popup menu right
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Positioning popup menu?
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Simpler way to select a table row?
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Scroll to selected row in a table
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Add row to table
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Simplify Javascript?
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Disappearing or Hidden table rows?
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Dynamic Column Name possible?
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Update a HTML row from JSON?
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addEventListener to a dynamic created table
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Svg icons in a html table?
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REST API Feedback?
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Get JSON from API and populate a form?
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HTML table vs Grid vs HTML Table Grid (hybrid)?
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Return value from INSERT into innerHTML?
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CREATE not working the first time
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Drag only with handle?
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Selectable “radio-card” within a form?
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Open an accordion in same window by anchor tag
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Hide footer if cover the content?
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Open an accordion using a url in another page?
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How can I mix proxied Go sites and one PHP site?
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Form data as JSON
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Get initial window with
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Dynamic form from JSON in ONE step
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How do I get “value” in a JSON loop?
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No data returned from XMLHttpRequest()
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Why does not Jquery work in using jsfiddle.net?
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Why is not XMLHttpRequest() working?
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Add details to same page
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Why using Array when filtering a table?
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How do I control the column width in a table?
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Why does Animation not hide elements (text etc) inside the div?
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Nav Transition
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Double toggle + Double function Javascript
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Center text vertically in a grid
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Javascript Loop
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Navbar over content?
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Nested forEach problem
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How to get the “datapart” from a “datalist”
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Datalist required=”data-value”
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How to show that the timer is “working”?
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Elapsed time as decimals?
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Can anybody explain this…
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How and when do I check that the user is logged in and valid?
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Get navigation “close” status
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Line feed from database disappear
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search button two functions in form?
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Double click on a table row
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Set theme dynamically and avoid flickering?
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How to manage themes without flickering?
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Smarter way to do this in Javascript?
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querySelectorAll OK, but querySelector does not work. Why?
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Send variable to a new window
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Rewrite old Javascript to “modern” Javascript
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Select one button and deselect other
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Select Accordion Parent
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Responsive text over a responsive image
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Only ONE submenu open
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Feedback on Responsive Side Nav
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  • vs
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    last-child does not work with grid rows?
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    Select a default button in a simple way
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    Javascript loop terminates by some reason
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    How to display so it works in Safari?
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    Center text in a submit button
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    Select active button from url on load
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    Keep the cat in the box
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    Feedback on my first website without CMS?
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    Control :hover a flexbox item
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    Reverse item order top navbar?
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    Add variable text to innerHTML
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    Footer inside 2 containers
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    Responsive conflict Javascript / @media?
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    Dropdown list stay open when adding a link?
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