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Scroll to selected row in a table

I have searched for hours to find a simple solution how to automatically scroll down to the last selected row in a table. No solution works.

The last line in this table have the class “selected”. I simply want to show that a record has been added.

Any tip?


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@SempervivumFeb 24.2022 — I found a fix but no explanation why this doesn't work. The fix is
  • 1. Using a table cell instead of the complete row

  • 2. Applying a short delay

  • ``<i>
    </i> var elm = document.querySelector('table tbody tr.selected td');
    setTimeout(() =&gt; {
    }, 10)<i>
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    @SempervivumFeb 24.2022 — PS: Found an explanation why it doesn't work for the `tr</C> element: You applied <C>display: contents;</C> to the rows.
    <QUOTE><i>&gt;</i>display: contents causes an element's children to appear as if they were direct children of the element's parent, ignoring the element itself. This can be useful when a wrapper element should be ignored when using CSS grid or similar layout techniques.</QUOTE>

    <URL url="https://caniuse.com/css-display-contents">https://caniuse.com/css-display-contents</URL><br/>
    The <C>
    elements disappear from the rendered page which is also visible in the HTML inspector.
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    @SempervivumFeb 24.2022 — PPS: It seems to me that I found an explanation for the issue that a delay is necessary: When I open the page for the very first time, scrolling to the selected row works. However when I scroll to the top manually and then reload scrolling does not work. My explanation: The browser remembers the latest scroll position and scrolls to it when reloading the page. This is overriding the scrolling by the javascript.


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