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Trap changes in sessionStorage?

I am trying to get an alert when any value int sessionStorage is changed. I have found this code, but I cannot get it to work

window.addEventListener(“storage”, function(event) {
if (event.storageArea === sessionStorage) {
alert(“NO alert”)

I am looking for more like (pseudocode)

window.addEventListener(“storage”, function(event) {
if event.onchange (key)
alert(“Key changed”)


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@SempervivumJan 20.2023 — MDN says that the `event` contains key, value and oldValue. Wouldn't this be sufficient?
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@sibertauthorJan 20.2023 — > @Sempervivum#1650085 event contains key, value and oldValue. Wouldn't this be sufficient?


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@SempervivumJan 20.2023 — I see, doesn't fire. Stackoverflow discusses this issue:

>The StorageEvent is fired whenever a change is made to the Storage object.

This won't work on the same page that is making the changes — it is really a way for other pages on the domain using the storage to sync any changes that are made


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