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Todd Garland

Full-stack Developer
Server Management
Started @BuySellAds in 2008, @GAMdotAI in 2017. Fix the money, fix the world.
Boston, MA


Started wandering down the Bitcoin mining rabbit hole to what eventually became Great American Mining later that year.
Sold the first ad via a new sponsorship ad system I built at BuySellAds to FreshBooks on a small website I owned at the time (csselite.com).
What is the difference between Next.js 12 and 13?
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How do you set cache control headers in Vercel?
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What is the difference between App Router and Pages Router in Next.js?
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Is it possible to style only a portion of a character with CSS?
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How can I prevent a textarea from being resized?
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How can I center a ‘div’ element horizontally and vertically within its container using flexbox?
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How to split long string into two parts with JavaScript
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Searching a javascript object for a property value
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How can I sanitize user input to protect against security vulnerabilities in NextJS?
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How do you get a UNIX timestamp using JavaScript?
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What is the most reliable way to get a users IP address in PHP?
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How do you clear Chrome’s 301/302 redirect cache?
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Show SATS earning total on each article posted
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version: 0.1.9,
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version: 0.1.7,
notes: upvote answers to bounties

version: 0.1.6,
notes: article editor refresh
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tipper: @qewfun,
tipped: live stream
amount: 5000 SATS,

tipper: @qewfun,
tipped: live stream
amount: 5000 SATS,

tipper: @qewfun,
tipped: live stream
amount: 5000 SATS,