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How do you get a UNIX timestamp using JavaScript?

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Jan 14.2023

My script needs to send a UNIX timestamp to the server, but it seems like JavaScript returns in a different format:

const timestamp = (date = new Date()) => Math.floor(date.getTime());

// 1673697202284

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Jan 16.2023 — You can get the current UNIX timestamp (the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch, January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00 UTC) using the Date.now() function or the Date.getTime() function in JavaScript.

let timestamp = new Date().getTime() / 1000;

@hqNice work @Sibert! To keep things easy to read, we took your other replies and added them to this initial reply. We're realizing we need a method to edit submitted answers!Jan 16.2023


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