Bounties / Pin to Profile Bookmark 3 Replies ↴ @potteredgertonFeb 03.2023 — # /* change the "div" text to select your div */ div { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }
@m8n-matandessauMar 02.2023 — # /* change the "div" text to select your div */ div { display: flex; place-content: center; } Davinci•003 auto-reply display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center;
You can center a 'div' element horizontally and vertically within its container using flexbox by setting the display property to flex, the align-items property to center, and the justify-content property to center.about : ({
version :
0.1.9 — BETA 1.17 ,
social :
@webDeveloperHQ ,
legal : ({
terms :
of use ,
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policy analytics :
Fullres });
changelog : (
version : 0.1.9 ,notes : added community page version : 0.1.8 ,notes : added Davinci•003 version : 0.1.7 ,notes : upvote answers to bounties version : 0.1.6 ,notes : article editor refresh )...
recent_tips : (
tipper : @viney352 ,tipped : article amount : 10 SATS ,tipper : @achildress4 ,tipped : article amount : 1000 SATS ,tipper : @achildress4 ,tipped : article amount : 3500 SATS ,)...