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Erik Dietrich

Full-stack Developer
Software Engineer
Technical Writing
Digital Nomad


webdeveloper.com profile
Where Did My Traffic Go? Hint: It Wasn’t an Algorithm Update
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Getting Above the Brief: How to Improve Your Developer Marketing Positioning
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How We MVP Organic Traffic As A Lead Gen Channel
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Six-Figure Content Programs: A Lesson (And Change) In Positioning
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Gameplanning the SGE Apocalypse
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How to Identify Content Refresh Candidates, In Detail
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The Challenge of Working Backward From a Post Title to a Keyword
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How To Project Organic Search Traffic And The Cost Of Acquiring It
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An Actually Strategic Way to Do SEO Competitor Analysis
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Why SEO Consulting Shouldn’t Exist
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Creating a Company-Engineer Blogging Program
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Gut Check Time: The “Are You Sure You Want Organic Traffic” Checklist
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The Agency Client Bill of Rights
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Link Building for Non-Scumbags: Build Authority Without Being Awful
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Keyword Research Case Studies: Glossaries
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Keyword Research Case Studies: Tool-User Campaigns
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Keyword Research Case Studies: Ownership Campaigns
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Reasoning About and Projecting SEO Content ROI
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The Phases of an Organic Campaign
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Keywords 301: Campaigns, Roadmaps, and Funnels
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Keywords 201: Tails, Association, Authority, and Cannibalization
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Keywords 101: Difficulty, Volume, and Segmentation
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Introduction to Keywords via Understanding Searcher Psychology
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Game Theory in SEO: Building A Ship of Strategy in a Sea of Tactics
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SEO for Non-Scumbags: How to Earn Site Visitors without Selling Your Soul
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version: 0.1.6,
notes: article editor refresh
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tipper: @qewfun,
tipped: live stream
amount: 5000 SATS,