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Template literal display control

Is there an acceptable way to handle missing fields in a template literal?
In my code example, the period after an initial appears when not desired and has extras when included.
How are initials handled (or suffixes for surnames) with variables in a template?

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=”en”><head>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes”/>
<title> Test Page </title>
<pre id=’demo’></pre>

const write = (msg) => {

const characters = [
{ “fname” : “Sylvester”, “MI” : “T”, “lname” : “Cat”, ‘joined’ : new Date(2020,1,1) },
{ “fname” : “Elmer”, “MI” : “”, “lname” : “Fudd”, ‘joined’ : new Date(2020,7,31) },
{ “fname” : “Tweety”, “MI” : “T.”, “lname” : “Bird”, ‘joined’ : new Date() },
{ “fname” : “Bugs”, “MI” : “B.”, “lname” : “Bunny, Esq.”, ‘joined’ : new Date() }

write(‘Problem below is the display of “.” when middle initial is blank’);
write(‘or double “..” when middle initial is not blank’);

for (const key of Object.keys(characters)) {
write(`${key} : ${characters[key].lname}, ${characters[key].fname} ${characters[key].MI}. tDate: ${characters[key].joined.toDateString()}`);

([key, value]) => write(`Date: ${value.joined.toDateString()} : ${value.fname} ${value.MI}. ${value.lname} t${key}`) )

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@NachfolgerNov 13.2020 — Use a ternary statement.

</i>${value.MI ? value.MI + "." : ""}<i>
Or you can separate the display of the period and the initial
<CODE lang="JavaScript">
</i>${value.MI}${value.MI ? "." : ""}<i>

Plenty of other approaches.
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@JMRKERauthorNov 14.2020 — Thank you. The 1st suggestion works better than the second for my purposes. :)

I'll work a bit more to eliminate the '..' display for some of the middle initials

or use some logic to remove the raw '.' before using the ternary for the correct display


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