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Write a WD article on getting started with Github for beginners

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Aug 04.2022

Github is a popular platform for sharing code and enabling the web developer community the ability to contribute and collaborate on projects. We’re looking for a “how to” style of article that explains Github for beginners and how to best leverage the tools they provide.

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@TRUBDUBZNov 16.2022 — # Github - Getting Started for Beginners

## What is Git?

- Git and Github are not the same thing.[From Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git):

- Git is free and open source software for distributed version control: tracking changes in any set of files, usually used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development

## So, What is Github?

- [Github](https://github.com) - is an Internet hosting service for software development and version control using Git. It provides the distributed version control of Git plus access control, bug tracking, software feature requests, task management, continuous integration, and wikis for every project. - [Github Wikipedia](https://wikipedia.com/Wiki/Github)

### So How Do You Get Started With GitHub?

It’s easy to get things going with GitHub. For starters, click onto the GitHub site and create an account. Then, consider installing Git on your system, especially if you plan on using your local computer. Then, go to your terminal and make yourself known to Git by setting up your user name in every repository. Use this command:

git config --global user.name ""

Make sure the “your name here” parameter is your own name. Pick any name you’d like.

Next, share your email address with Git. It should be the same address you entered when you joined GitHub.

git config --global user.email ""

You’re now ready to use Git!

### How Do You Use Git and GitHub?

Here’s a very broad overview of the steps you need to use both Git and GitHub. You can find more details regarding the specific commands and syntax here on opensource.com.

Create your GitHub account, which you should have already done, thanks to the previous section!

Create a repository or “repo” for short. This is where you store your code.

Build a file.

Make a commit. Whenever you create a file or change it, you create a Git commit to store the new version.

Connect your repo with your computer system.
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@harrydrummondDec 11.2022 — Hello, you can find the article here: https://webdeveloper.com/tips-tricks/the-beginners-guide-to-github/

The images are expanding outside of the width of the article so I've posted a suggestion for that already as I think it looks messy!
@themolitorThanks for the feedback, Harry! I made some tweaks to the images. Trying out a new UX idea I had where the image auto-expands to its "true width" when you mouse over it. Seems like a middle ground between showing the full size and not messing too much with the core layout/view of the article. LMK what you think about that. 🤘Dec 12.2022
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@chuckthechDec 08.2022 — GitHub is a popular online platform that allows users to store and manage their code repositories, as well as collaborate with others on projects. It is a valuable tool for developers, particularly those who work on open-source projects or in teams. Here are some tips for using GitHub to its full potential.

First, create a GitHub account and set up your profile. This will allow you to access the platform's features and collaborate with others.

Next, create a new repository for your project. A repository is like a folder that stores all the files and assets related to your project, including your code, documentation, and images. You can create multiple repositories for different projects, and even make some of them public so that others can view and contribute to your code.

Once you have a repository, you can start adding your code and other files to it. Use the "Commit" feature to save changes to your repository, and use the "Branch" feature to create different versions of your code. This will allow you to experiment with new ideas without affecting the main version of your project.

One of the key benefits of using GitHub is that it allows you to easily share your code with others and collaborate on projects. You can make your repositories public, allowing anyone to view and contribute to your code, or invite specific users to collaborate on your projects. This makes it a great platform for open-source projects, as well as for teams working on commercial projects.

In addition to these core features, GitHub also offers a range of other tools and services that can help you manage your project and improve your workflow. For example, you can use the "GitHub Pages" service to create a website for your project, or use the "GitHub Actions" service to automate tasks such as testing and deployment.

Further, GitHub offers a range of integrations with other tools and services that can further enhance your workflow. For example, you can use GitHub with your continuous integration service to automatically build and test your code, or integrate it with your project management platform to track and manage issues and tasks.

there are also some best practices that new users should follow in order to make the most of the platform. Here are some tips for new GitHub users:

Create a clear and concise profile: Your GitHub profile is a key way that others will learn about you and your work. Make sure to include a brief bio, a profile picture, and links to your other social media accounts or websites.

Start with a small project: If you're new to GitHub, it can be overwhelming to try to tackle a large project right away. Instead, start with a small project that you can easily manage and build on. This will help you get used to the platform and its tools without getting overwhelmed.

Use clear and concise commit messages: When you commit changes to your repository, be sure to write clear and concise messages that explain what you've changed. This will make it easier for others to understand your code and collaborate with you on your project.

Collaborate with others: Try to find opportunities to work with others, either on open-source projects or on projects within your organization. This will help you learn from others and improve your skills.

Follow best practices: There are many best practices for using GitHub, such as using branches to manage different versions of your code and regularly pushing changes to your repository. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these best practices and follow them to ensure that your project stays organized and easy to work with.

By following these tips, new GitHub users can get started on the platform and begin to take advantage of its many tools and features.

In conclusion, GitHub is a valuable tool for developers that offers many features and integrations to help you manage and collaborate on your code. By taking advantage of these tools and following best practices, you can make the most of GitHub and improve your productivity as a coder.
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@thedanielfactorOct 20.2022 — I do not know if I need to show interest here or do I just write it and publish it with a link here?
@themolitorHey Raymond! 👋 Posting a link to your article here would be perfect. 👍Oct 20.2022


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