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Fullscreen Scrolling Slideshow

Today I’d like to share a little fullscreen slideshow effect with you. It is based on the amazing design of Chan + Eayrs and it’s powered by GreenSock’s Observer plugin that allows us to easily manage events when scrolling, for example.

The idea is to navigate a fullscreen slideshow based on scrolling and when we click a slide image, it reveals some content underneath. We also have a menu/navigation that allows us to directly jump to a specific slide.

The initial view is the following:

As a micro animation, we make the letters of the custom text cursor disappear while making the close button appear with the same kind of random letter animation:

The content view looks as follows:

And this is how it all comes together:

I hope you enjoy this and find it useful! Thanks for checking by!

This article was originally published on codrops.com


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