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The <a> tag, or Anchor element, defines a hyperlink to any URL on the web, including web pages, files, email addresses, telephone numbers, anchors on the same page – anything that a URL can address. Syntax The most important attribute is href, which provides the address to which the element is linked. <a href="https://webdeveloper.com/">Visit WebDeveloper.com</a> […]

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The <abbr> tag is wrapped around an acronym to identify it as such and, optionally, what it stands for. Syntax Uses the optional title tag to spell out what the abbreviation stands for. <abbr title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</abbr>

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The address tag signifies that the enclosed information is contact information for a person, people, or organization. It can include a street address, email address, phone number, or any other type of contact information. Syntax Example: <address> Article written by John Doe<br> Email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br> Phone: <a href="tel:+15559876543">(555) 987-6543</a> </address>

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The area tag, or Image Map Area element, is always nested inside a map element and defines a specific area with predefined clickable areas within an image map. Syntax Example: <map name="examplemap"> <area shape="circle" coords="75,75,75" href="example-one.html" alt="Click to go somewhere" /> <area shape="circle" coords="275,75,75" href="example-two.html" alt="Click to go somewhere else" /> </map> <img usemap="#examplemap" src="https://via.placeholder.com/600x600" […]

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The article tag designates self-contained, independent content. It should make sense on its own and be possible to distribute or reuse elsewhere, such as a blog post, a user-submitted comment, etc. Syntax Example: <article> <h1>This is the article's title</h1> <p>This is the main body content of the article.<p> </article>

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The aside tag defines a section of content that is indirectly related to the surrounding content. It is often presented as a sidebar or call-out box. Syntax Example: <article> <h1>This is the article's title</h1> <p>This is the main content of the article.</p> <aside> <p>This paragraph is indirectly related to the main content.</p> </aside> <p>This is […]

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The audio tag, or Embed Audio element, embeds sound content into the document, using one or more src attributes to define the audio source file. The browser will choose the first source that it supports. Syntax Using the src attribute in a similar manner as the img tag, the path to the media file to […]

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The <b> tag was previously used to make text boldface, and is still rendered as such by most browsers. In HTML5 that functionality is replaced with the <strong> tag and is not used to style text, but instead to bring attention to the wrapped text without granting special importance. Syntax Example: <p>This is regular text. […]

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The blockquote tag specifies that the enclosed text is quoted from another source. It is usually indented by the browser by default. The source of the quotation can be given using a URL in the cite attribute, or a text representation using the <cite> tag. Syntax Example: <blockquote cite="https://examplesource.com"> <p>This is a quotation.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote> […]

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The body tag is wrapped around the whole of the content of an HTML document. There can only be one body tag in a document. Syntax Example: <html lang="eng"> <head> <title>Title of the document</title> </head> <body> <header> </header> <p>This is some content in the document.</p> <footer> </footer> </body> </html>

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The <br> tag, or Line Break element, creates a line break in text. Syntax Example: <p>This is a paragraph<br>with line breaks in it.<br>This is another line break.</p>

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The button tag defines an interactive element that performs an action when activated. Syntax The type attribute should always be specified, so the browser will know what type of button it is. <button type="button">Click Me</button> Attributes autofocus Designates that a button should focus on page load. disabled Designates that a button should be disabled. form […]

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The  canvas tag is used to draw graphics and animations on the fly, usually with JavaScript. Syntax Use the height and width attributes to set the dimensions of the canvas area in pixels. Height defaults to 150. Width defaults to 300. <canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="600"> Text to display if the browser does not support the […]

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The caption tag defines a table caption (or title) and must be inserted immediately after the <table> tag. Syntax Example: <table> <caption>This is the title of the table</caption> <tr> <th>Table head</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Table contents</td> </tr> </table>

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The <cite> tag, or Citation element, defines the title of a creative work (book, poem, musical piece, etc.) that is referenced in the text. Syntax Example: <p><cite>Road with Cypress and Star</cite>, painted by Vincent Van Gogh, May 1890.</p>

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The <code> tag, or Inline Code element, defines its content as a fragment of computer code, which is displayed in the browser’s monospace font by default. Syntax Example: <p>The <code>button</code> tag is used to create a button in HTML.</p>

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The col tag provides the ability to specify column properties within the <colgroup> element. Syntax The col tag allows for applying CSS styles to entire columns instead of repeating for each cell or row. <table> <colgroup> <col span="2" style="font-weight:700"> <col style="font-weight:400"> </colgroup> <tr> <td>This font has a weight of 700</td> <td>This font has a weight […]

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The colgroup tag, or Table Column Group element, groups together one or more columns in a table so that they can be formatted within the <col> tag. Syntax Example: <table> <colgroup> <col span="2" style="font-weight:700"> <col style="font-weight:400"> </colgroup> <tr> <td>This font has a weight of 700</td> <td>This font has a weight of 700</td> <td>This font has […]

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The data tag is used to add a machine-readable translation to the content it is wrapped around. Syntax In the following example, a list of product names is given with the associated product number (sku) provided in the data element’s value. <ul> <li><data value="192837">White T-shirt</data></li> <li><data value="192746">Red T-shirt</data></li> <li><data value="192543">Blue T-shirt</data></li> </ul> Attributes value The […]

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The datalist tag defines a list of <option> elements that are connected to an <input> element. It provides an autocomplete feature for input elements. Syntax The <datalist> id attribute must match the <input> element’s list attribute. <label for="color">Select your favorite color:</label> <input list="colors" name="color" id="color"> <datalist id="colors"> <option value="blue"> <option value="green"> <option value="yellow"> <option value="orange"> […]

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The dd tag, or Description Details element, is used to provide the description, definition, or value for the preceding <<dt> (Description term) element in a <dl> (Description List). Syntax You can put paragraphs, line breaks, images, etc. inside the <dd> tag. <dl> <dt>The term</dt> <dd>The description of the term</dd> <dt>Second term</dt> <dd>The description of the […]

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The del tag wraps around text that has been deleted from a document. Browsers typically render the enclosed text with a line through it – or a strikethrough effect. Syntax Example: <p>This is the revised <del>original</dev> text.</p> Attributes cite Can be used to provide the URL to a document that explains why the deleted text […]

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The details tag is used to provide additional details that the user can reveal on demand, typically within an interactive widget. Syntax Example: <details> <summary>The title</summary> <p>These are the additional details</p> </details>

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The dfn tag, or Definition element, designates a term that is going to be defined within the content. Syntax The closest parent of the <dfn> tag must contain the definition for the term. <p><dfn>CSS</dfn> stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which are used to create the styles of a web page.</p>

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