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Where did all the Community posts come from?

So I see that there are 21,000+ pages of community posts, dating back to 2002. However, I’m pretty sure WebDeveloper.com didn’t exist until like 2020 or something like that, so where did all these posts come from?

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@Steve_R_JonesmoderatorApr 02.2023 — WebDeveloper.com "Has" been up and running since 2002. It has changed ownership a few times since then. The current owners have done the third major make over regarding the forum software.

It now has a nice new modern look.
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@themolitorApr 03.2023(updated) — Like @Steve_R_Jones said, WebDeveloper.com has a very long history on the net. When we were discussing the next chapter of this domain, we quickly realized that building off of the previous forum software was not the best path forward. So many devs helped contribute to the community, we felt they deserved more for their time and efforts. That's when we decided to pursue the "Value for Value" model where you can earn for the value you add to this platform. We're all pretty bullish on the future of BTC, so we implemented a system that leverages SATS (the smallest unit of BTC) as the value that is given back. The first phase of the new chapter for this domain started last year when we moved the main forum to a sub domain (forum.webdeveloper.com) and added an articles and bounties focus to the main site. We then added a reference library, jobs and tools to the mix. Finally, this past month, we made the MAJOR update of migrating the legacy forum users/content over to the main domain once again, under the "community" section of this site. We're now in the process of adapting some of the old forum software features back into the mix, and also working towards the next batch of features/updates we have planned with our dev roadmap. 🤘
@sibertI cannot see that searching the old archive is possible. Or am I missing something? Less valuable without searching capabilities IMO.Apr 07.2023
@themolitorWe added the old archive to search, but the performance was not good enough, so we had to temporarily disable until we can work to optimize the database. Lots of spinning plates!Apr 07.2023


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