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webDeveloper.com: the howling wilderness

Hey everybody. I like many things about webDev, but it has one huge problem, at times it seems all but deserted. Thus, when I ask questions, I get a result similar to if I were standing alone in the midst of a wilderness (meaning: silence).

I’ve tried Stack Overflow. When I use it, I feel like a prisoner in the stocks, getting downvotes hurled at me like rotten produce, and as for most other forums, they seem to have the same problem that webDev does. They’re not visited often, thus my questions don’t get answered for ages.

Does anybody have suggestion(s) for a more active forum, that avoids the Stack Overflow pitfall?

Thanks for you feedback.

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@cootheadMar 12.2024 — You could try these sites, perhaps....

Sitepoint Community

@BenTheSoftwareDeveloperauthorThanks Mr. @coothead. I like the looks of Sitepoint. The others seem to have the same "howling wilderness" problem though.Mar 23.2024


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