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How to add secure file transfer to a website

Hi.  I’m working with a client who is a bookkeeper with a site hosted on WordPress.  She needs to be able to integrate a solid, secure file transfer for clients.  This needs to have the ability to limit file/folder access to specific users so it’s not just in a massive folder where any client could see any client’s files.  Preference is to have a place on her site to allow clients to login for this but a brandable 3rd party could also work.  Need it to not break the bank (this is a new business) and need it to be professional and reliable.  Currently doing a trial with Box though not sure I’m a full fan.  Any suggestions?



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@themolitorFeb 28.2023 — Hey LaTricia 👋

Are you referring to box.com? If so, I noticed they have a plugin for WordPress. I haven't tried it, but wondering if that has the feature set you're looking for?

— Christopher
@themolitorWith a plugin/feature like that, you would just need to create a password-protected page with the file url posted (if that's sufficient).Feb 28.2023
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@cmswebsiteservicessMar 13.2023 — There are several secure file transfer solutions that can integrate with WordPress and offer the ability to limit file/folder access to specific users. Here are a few options that may suit your client's needs:

WP-Filebase: This is a plugin for WordPress that allows users to upload and manage files on the site. It offers a secure file download manager, customizable user roles and permissions, and the ability to restrict access to files based on user roles.

ShareFile: ShareFile is a file transfer service from Citrix that offers secure file sharing, customizable branding, and the ability to restrict access to files based on user roles. It integrates with WordPress through a plugin and offers features such as password-protected links and two-factor authentication.

Dropbox: Dropbox is a cloud storage service that offers secure file sharing and collaboration features. It integrates with WordPress through a plugin and offers the ability to restrict access to files based on user roles. It also offers advanced security features such as two-factor authentication and data encryption.

Google Drive: Google Drive is a cloud storage service that offers secure file sharing and collaboration features. It integrates with WordPress through a plugin and offers the ability to restrict access to files based on user roles. It also offers advanced security features such as two-factor authentication and data encryption.

All of these options have their own pricing plans, so it's important to consider your client's budget when choosing a solution. However, they are all professional and reliable services that can offer secure file transfer for your client's bookkeeping business.


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