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Gutenberg reusable blocks disappeared?

I have built an 853 page UK legal website in WordPress and just came back from summer hols and all the right blocks disappeared!  https://www.legaldocuments.co.uk.   Any idea how to fix that, (i touched nothing!), and open to making changes to css globally but will need some expert help with that.  thanks all. Brad

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@themolitorSep 04.2023 — There have been some major updates to WP lately. If you're on a managed hosting platform (or have auto-updates activated), it's possible your WP updated, which may have resulted in lost/obsolete content types.
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@clarkjenOct 03.2023(updated) — That may be due to some error in the plugin, nothing You can uninstall the plugin and then uninstall it. It will then work ok. Just try it you will be amazed at THE RESULT. I tried it on my website crackstab. It works ok,


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