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please help ,algorithm has this guy used for the spellcheck?

i want to get the result on the same page with the form too!! anyone please!!



require ‘db.php’;
function spellcheck($word) {
$output = array();
$word = mysql_real_escape_string($word);

$words = mysql_query(“SELECT `word` FROM `english` WHERE LEFT( `word`, 1) = ‘”.substr($word, 0, 1).”‘”);
if (!$words) {
die(‘Invalid query: ‘ . mysql_error());

while(($words_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($words)) !== false && (in_array($word, $words_row) == false)) {
similar_text($word, $words_row[‘word’], $percent) ;
// echo $words_row[‘word’].’ presentasi ‘ .$percent .’ <p>’;
if ($percent > 75) {

echo ‘<p>’. ‘do you mean’ . ‘<p>’. $words_row[‘word’]. ‘<br>’;
echo ‘<p>’;


return (empty($output)) ? false : $output;

if (isset($_POST [‘word’]) && trim($_POST[‘word’]) != null) {

$word = $_POST[‘word’];
$spellcheck = spellcheck ($word);

if($spellcheck !== false){
echo ‘<pre> ‘,print_r($spellcheck, true), ‘ </prev>’ ;



// echo(“dont know dat word!! Data w blum updated lu!”);



<form id=”main” class=”form-wrapper” name=frm method=”POST” action=”securedpage.php?act=sm”>
<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”login.css”>
Word : <input type=text class=”text-field” name=”word”> <input class=”button” type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”translate” >
<input name=”clear” class=”button” type=”reset” value=”Clear” >

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6 Comments(s)

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@COBOLdinosaurJul 03.2013 — Why don't you just ask them?
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@hamsahaliauthorJul 03.2013 — i did ask them! and tweeted them but no answer until now, so please if anybody knows , just reply me, thx
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@hamsahaliauthorJul 05.2013 — Why don't you just ask them?[/QUOTE]

do u know what algorithm is this please?
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@COBOLdinosaurJul 05.2013 — Probably something custom, and the code is worthless without the database and included file anyway.
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@hamsahaliauthorJul 05.2013 — Probably something custom, and the code is worthless without the database and included file anyway.[/QUOTE]

well the included file is just the connection to the database and the database table is called english and it has one row called words which all words are saved.
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@COBOLdinosaurJul 06.2013 — Then you already have everything. If you don't understand the functions, that is what the php and mysql manuals are for. You either understand the code or you don't. There is no magic it is just string comparisons.


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