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mail form validator for radio buttons


im using this script for validating a mail form and make sure no field is left blank. It works fine with text inputs and textareas but not with radio buttons or dropdowns. This is the code

[CODE]<script type=”text/javascript”>
function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
with (field)
if (value==null||value==””)
alert(alerttxt);return false;
return true;

function validate_form(thisform)
with (thisform)
if (validate_required(email,”Email must be filled out!”)==false)
{email.focus();return false;}

Could somebody please help me with this?

thank you.

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@supercainauthorMay 04.2010 — Help please??
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@FangMay 05.2010 — Dropdowns will work providing the options have the value attribute.

For radio and checkbox the validation is made for [I]checked[/I]: http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/javascript/formvalidation.html#radios


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