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How to improve ranking and traffic

First of all I like to thank every for their help and info in this forum. Its a great place to sharpen your knowledge.

My website ([url]http://www.yourcityguide.info[/url]) has improved a lot in the search enegines since I started, in particular with MSN. Keyword such as ‘cairns restaurants guide’ will give top ten results and it points to the correct page rather than the index page.

Most of the traffic is also coming from MSN and my questions are: how do I improve my ranking for Google and Yahoo and possible have more incoming traffics. These 2 search engines does not give the same results as MSN.

Your help would be appreciated once again.

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@_lt_Eddie_gt_May 08.2006 — Check out the Google results below:

[url=http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=site:www.yourcityguide.info&complete=1&hl=en&lr=&filter=0]site:www.yourcityguide.info[/url] - only 6 pages found

[url=http://www.google.co.uk/search?complete=1&hl=en&q=link:www.yourcityguide.info&btnG=Search&meta=]link:www.yourcityguide.info[/url] - 0 inbound links

The answer is inbound links. There is a comprehensive guide [url=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?t=102709]here[/url] about search engine optimisation and website marketing.
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@CrazyMerlinMay 16.2006 — Google site map -- proper meta tags -- correct robots.txt file -- inbound links
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@rudradattaMay 16.2006 — hi,

According to you your site is doing well in http://www.msn.com . where as it is not good in yahoo and google.

1) give a title to your site with some keywords

2) your keyword should contain the keywords in title, descriptions and content

3) your site should contain a keyword rich content

4) your title, keywords, descriptions and content should be interrelated


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