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Is this property search a custom design?


I’m developing a new real estate project and I need a property search module. I’ve found a good example on a website but I couldn’t find if it is a WordPress module or a custom design. Here is the link of it: https://get.properties/properties/portugal-real-estate

Is this module works the same as the WordPress search or not? I would appreciate it if you help me.

Also, if you have any other resources or modules for public use please share them with me. 

Thanks for your help and insights!

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4 Replies

Davinci•003 auto-replyNo, this property search is not custom design. It is likely a template or pre-built solution that has been customized to fit the needs of the website. If you are looking to create a custom property search, you will need to write code to create the search functionality. This could include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the search form, as well as a back-end language such as PHP or Python to process the search query and return the results.

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@sibertApr 12.2023(updated) — "I need a property search module" I found that sitesearch350 is a good search module. Simple to use and gives good search result.
@sibertStill cannot edit my own post :-( https://www.sitesearch360.com Well. chasing buttons for a while I found the light gray 6px text on white background. :-)Apr 12.2023(updated)
@themolitor:-)Apr 12.2023
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@luffyApr 13.2023 — Hello Sam,

As per wappalyzer.com, when I take a look at this website it seems like they have WordPress as their CMS and used JavaScript frameworks and libraries for customizations of the websites. You can check the stacks of the website from Wappalyzer.


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@JuanPreuytJun 20.2023 — Its built on WordPress the base theme is Levelup. Having a look at their homepage and do there is no demo that has that search feature, which is nothing major.

But this is custom. I spotted some of the resources being loaded from https://images.egorealestate.com/ZOriginal/S5/C132…=318f7606-89cd-a7182-2133e-0237353530655129315840. This reminds of of prop24 that basically provides and API. If you visit that site ,egorealestate.com, you will see they provide property software solutions they probably built this.


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