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How does Bun handle memory allocation compared to Node.js?

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Oct 19.2023

As a temporary solution to a memory leak in Node.js, I adjusted the heap size and increased it to 8GB. I’m curious about how Bun handles memory allocation in comparison. Is there a default heap size in Bun like in Node? If so, can it be modified through the CLI? I couldn’t find specific details in the docs about this. Insights or guidance would be appreciated.

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@XPXWORDNov 05.2023 — Bun is a build tool for modern web applications and does not directly handle memory allocation like Node.js. Memory allocation in Bun is not controlled by the build tool itself but rather by the underlying JavaScript runtime environment, which is typically Node.js or a browser environment.

In Node.js, you can adjust the heap size using the --max-old-space-size flag to increase the maximum heap size for the V8 JavaScript engine. This can be done through the command line when running your Node.js application, for example:

node --max-old-space-size=8192 app.js
This sets the maximum heap size to 8GB (8192 megabytes) for your Node.js application.

In the case of Bun, since it relies on the JavaScript runtime environment, you can still use the same approach to adjust the heap size when running the build process or any associated scripts. For example:

node --max-old-space-size=8192 bun build
This command sets the maximum heap size to 8GB for the Bun build process.

It's worth noting that adjusting the heap size should be considered a temporary solution for addressing memory leaks. It's important to identify and fix the root cause of the memory leak to ensure long-term stability and optimal memory usage in your application.



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