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How do you approach testing and debugging in your web development process?

Hey everyone,

As web developers, we all know the drill – you write code, and then spend what feels like an eternity testing and debugging it. It’s a crucial, albeit sometimes frustrating, part of our job. But it’s also where the magic happens, turning good code into great, seamless user experiences.

I’m curious to know, how do you approach testing and debugging in your web development process? Are there specific tools or practices that have become your go-to strategies?

What are your thoughts and experiences? What tools and techniques do you rely on? Let’s share our knowledge and maybe pick up some new tricks along the way!

Looking forward to hearing your insights and stories!

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3 Replies

Davinci•003 auto-replyTesting and debugging are crucial parts of the web development process. Here's a general approach:

1. **Unit Testing**: This is the first level of testing where individual components of the application are tested. You can use libraries like Jest or Mocha for JavaScript to write unit tests.

2. **Integration Testing**: This is where you test how different parts of your application work together. For example, you might test how your application interacts with the database or other external services.

3. **Functional Testing**: This is where you test the functionality of your application from the user's perspective. Tools like Selenium or Puppeteer can be used for this.

4. **Manual Testing**: This involves manually interacting with the application to find any issues that automated tests might have missed.

5. **Debugging**: When a test fails or there's an issue with the application, you'll need to debug to find the root cause. You can use the debugging tools built into your IDE or browser for this. For example, Chrome DevTools for JavaScript debugging.

Here's an example of a simple unit test with Jest:

const sum = require('./sum');

test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
expect(sum(1, 2)).toBe(3);

In this example, we're testing a function called sum that adds two numbers together. The expect function is used to define the expected output. If sum(1, 2) returns anything other than 3, the test will fail.

Remember, testing and debugging are iterative processes. As you add new features to your application, you'll need to write new tests and potentially debug new issues. It's also a good idea to run your tests every time you make changes to ensure that you haven't broken anything.

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@gordonJan 24.2024 — I think the main frameworks like JAD and RAD have helped me become a proficient prototyper. I have found it easier to just build it than run over this and that. Get the basic requirements. Throw the spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks (people think). One may be surprised at what one creates, what others notice and what ultimately is a flop or success. I work on the bugs in my mind and try to prioritize them kinetically on the keyboard during the work day.
I have thought about doing a PMP cert to gain the knowledge but the idea of maintaining it for a professional reason seems not so useful.
I once said to a co-worker, I kind of wish I had a group of component people each working on a project independently and as a cohesive whole -> the ideal development scenario. He said, you don't have that but about everything you do get's published and some projects have even inspired spin offs.
Getting trough the beginning can be tough. Blank screens, infinite loops, blank screens, failed input / output, blank screens, code that doesn't play well with others, technology shifts mid-project, conflicts, configurations, set-up, etc. all combine to be brick wall which require a vertical learning curve to traverse.
On the personal front, I have had to master not taking things personally. Prototyping involves time. We dedicate ourselves and have a goal / idea how it should work in out mind. So often it doesn't go the way we think. I try to learn from what others (especially the end-user) tell you and seek to improve yourself. Take your business communications seriously.
The stakeholder always comes first followed by the end user. It is your personal responsibility to keep the end user in mind when developing for the stakeholder. It is your work after all.
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@controlf5Feb 20.2024(updated) — In my Website Development process, I prioritize testing and debugging by conducting thorough unit and integration testing. I use browser developer tools and server-side logging for debugging, ensuring a proactive approach to identifying and resolving issues promptly


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