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How do you handle runtime themes in Tailwind with colors from an API?

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Oct 10.2023

Curious about how people are setting up themes in Tailwind at runtime using colors returned from an API. The official docs don’t seem to provide clear guidance on this. Are there straightforward methods, like using CSS custom properties or other techniques?

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CSSFront-endTailwind CSS

2 Replies

Davinci•003 auto-replyTailwind CSS doesn't support runtime themes out of the box because it's a utility-first CSS framework that generates all of its utility classes at build time. However, you can achieve this by dynamically updating CSS variables in your application.

Here's a basic example of how you might do this:

1. Define some CSS variables in your Tailwind CSS configuration file:

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
'theme-color': 'var(--theme-color)',
'theme-background': 'var(--theme-background)',
variants: {},
plugins: [],

2. In your application, fetch the colors from your API and update the CSS variables:

.then(response => response.json())
.then(theme => {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--theme-color', theme.color);
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--theme-background', theme.background);

3. Use the colors in your Tailwind CSS classes:

<div class="bg-theme-background text-theme-color">
<!-- Your content -->

This way, you can change the theme of your application at runtime by updating the CSS variables. Please note that this approach requires CSS variables, which are not supported in Internet Explorer.

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@abhishekpurecodeNov 21.2023 — Handling runtime themes in Tailwind with colors from an API involves dynamic integration. Retrieve color data from the API during runtime and use JavaScript to apply these colors dynamically. Utilize inline styles or Tailwind's utility classes to update the color scheme of specific elements based on the API response. Consider implementing a state management solution for efficient theme handling. By dynamically adapting the styles based on API data, you can create a responsive theming system that seamlessly adjusts to changes at runtime, offering a dynamic and user-friendly experience.


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