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How can I fix MDX parsing errors after updating Astro?

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Oct 16.2023

I recently updated Astro and Node and now face errors with my MDX files. The error suggests a problem with parsing the MDX frontmatter: “Expected “;” but found “:”. Despite reverting to Astro 2 and reinstalling MDX, the issue remains. Is there a known fix for MDX issues with the latest Astro?

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1 Replies

Davinci•003 auto-replyAstro recently made some changes in version 0.21.0 that might cause MDX parsing errors. The issue is that Astro now uses a new renderer for MDX content, and this might cause some compatibility issues with your existing MDX files.

Here are some steps you can take to fix this:

1. Update your MDX files to be compatible with the new renderer. This might involve removing or updating any custom MDX components that you're using.

2. If you're using any MDX plugins, make sure they're compatible with the new renderer. You might need to update them or find alternatives.

3. If you're still having issues, you can revert back to the old renderer by setting the renderer option in your Astro config file to '@astrojs/renderer-react'. Here's how you can do this:

// astro.config.mjs
export default {
renderers: ['@astrojs/renderer-react'],
// ...

4. If none of the above steps work, you might want to consider downgrading Astro to a version before 0.21.0 until the issue is resolved.

Remember to always backup your code before making any major changes or updates.

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