This is a shorthand property that sets the inline end border’s property values. Which border is considered the inline end border depends on the element’s directionality, writing mode and text orientation. Syntax A shorthand that sets the values for the border-inline-end-color, border-inline-end-style, border-inline-end-width properties. The values can be specified in any order. /* Values can […]
This property defines the color of the inline end border of the element. Which border is considered the inline-end border depends on the element’s directionality, writing mode and text orientation. Syntax The border-inline-end-color property accepts any color value. /* Any type of color value can be used: */ border-inline-end-color: red; border-inline-end-color: #8f8fff; border-inline-end-color: rgba(34, 128, […]
This property defines the line style of the inline end border. Which border is considered the inline end border depends on the element’s directionality, writing mode and text orientation. Syntax One of the following styles are accepted: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset. /* Setting the style to be dashed */ […]
This property defines the width of the inline end border. Which border is considered the inline end border depends on the element’s directionality, writing mode and text orientation. Syntax This property accepts one of the keyword values: thin, medium or thick. Other than these, it can also accept any length value. /* Setting the inline […]
This is a shorthand property that sets the inline start border’s property values. Which border is considered the inline start border depends on the element’s writing mode, directionality and text orientation. Syntax A shorthand that sets the values for the border-inline-start-color, border-inline-start-style, border-inline-start-width properties. The values can be specified in any order. /* Values can […]
This property defines the color of the inline start border of the element. Which border is considered the inline-start border depends on the element’s writing mode, directionality and text orientation. Syntax The border-inline-start-color property accepts any color value. /* Any type of color value can be used: */ border-inline-start-color: red; border-inline-start-color: #8f8fff; border-inline-start-color: rgba(34, 128, […]
This property defines the line style of the inline start border. Which border is considered the inline start border depends on the element’s directionality, writing mode and text orientation. Syntax One of the following styles are accepted: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset. /* Setting the style to be dashed */ […]
This property defines the width of the inline start border. Which border is considered the inline start border depends on the element’s directionality, writing mode and text orientation. Syntax This property accepts one of the keyword values: thin, medium or thick. Other than these, it can also accept any length value. /* Setting the inline […]
This property defines the line style of the inline borders of the element. Which borders are considered to be inline depends on the element’s directionality, writing mode and text orientation. Syntax One of the following styles are accepted: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset. /* Setting the style to be dashed […]
This property defines the width of the inline borders of the element. Which borders are considered to be inline depends on the element’s directionality, writing mode and text orientation. Syntax This property accepts one of the keyword values: thin, medium or thick. Other than these, it can also accept any length value. /* Setting the […]
This property is a shorthand that sets the left border’s properties. Syntax This shorthand sets the border-left-color, border-left-style and border-left-width properties. /* Setting values can be done in any order and any value can be omitted: */ border-left: thin solid blue; border-left: #fafa33 dotted 3px; border-left: dashed; Values border-width Same values apply as with the […]
This property defines the color of the left border of the element. Syntax This property accepts any color value. /* Setting a value can be in any color format: */ border-left-color: rgba(243, 193, 56, 0.6); border-left-color: green; border-left-color: #ef33ff Values color Any color value can be used. initial Global CSS keyword – this sets the […]
This property defines the line style of the left border of the element. Syntax One of the following styles are accepted: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset. /* Setting the style to be dashed */ border-left-style: dashed; Values none No border will be used, this is the default value. hidden Same […]
This property defines the width of the left border of the element. Syntax This property accepts one of the keyword values: thin, medium or thick. Other than these, it can also accept any length value. /* Setting the left border to be thick */ border-left-width: thick; /* Setting a length value: */ border-left-width: 4px; border-left-width: […]
This is a shorthand property sets the rounding of the corners of an element. Syntax This shorthand property sets the rounding for the four corners of an element: border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius, border-bottom-right-radius and the border-bottom-left-radius properties. Anywhere from one to four values can be used. If the third and/or fourth values are omitted, their values are […]
This property is a shorthand that sets the right border’s properties. Syntax This shorthand sets the border-right-color, border-right-style and border-right-width properties. /* Setting values can be done in any order and any value can be omitted: */ border-right: thin solid blue; border-right: #fafa33 dotted 3px; border-right: dashed; Values border-width Same values apply as with the […]
This property defines the color of the right border of the element. Syntax This property accepts any color value. /* Setting a value can be in any color format: */ border-right-color: rgba(243, 193, 56, 0.6); border-right-color: green; border-right-color: #ef33ff Values color Any color value can be used. initial Global CSS keyword – this sets the […]
This property defines the line style of the right border of the element. Syntax One of the following styles are accepted: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset. /* Setting the style to be dashed */ border-right-style: dashed; Values none No border will be used, this is the default value. hidden Same […]
This property defines the width of the right border of the element. Syntax This property accepts one of the keyword values: thin, medium or thick. Other than these, it can also accept any length value. /* Setting the right border to be thick */ border-right-width: thick; /* Setting a length value: */ border-right-width: 4px; border-right-width: […]
This property defines the length the spacing between neighboring cells in a <table> element. In order for this property to have effect, border-collapse needs to be set to separate. Syntax The border-spacing value is a length that defines the space between the cells. If two values are used they each define the horizontal and vertical […]
This property defines the border radius of the start-end corner of an element. Which corner is considered the “start-end” corner depends on the element’s directionality, writing mode and text orientation. Syntax One or two length or percentage values can be specified. If one length value is specified, the rounding will be based on a circle, […]
This property defines the border radius of the start-start corner of an element. Which corner is considered the “start-start” corner depends on the element’s directionality, writing mode and text orientation. Syntax One or two length or percentage values can be specified. If one length value is specified, the rounding will be based on a circle, […]
This property is a shorthand that defines the line style of all the borders of an element. Syntax border-style is a shorthand for border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style and border-left-style. Anywhere from one to four values can be set with this shorthand, with each value setting the value for top, right, bottom and left respectively. If only […]
This property is a shorthand that sets the top border’s properties. Syntax This shorthand sets the border-top-color, border-top-style and border-top-width properties. /* Setting values can be done in any order and any value can be omitted: */ border-top: thin solid blue; border-top: #fafa33 dotted 3px; border-top: dashed; Values border-width Same values apply as with the […]