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Javascript Date Objects

What’s going wrong here, the first code works. The second one doesn’t. 

I have two dates and I can get the time difference between them 

const countToDate = new Date(“2024-02-21”)
const currentDate = new Date()
console.log(Math.ceil((countToDate – currentDate) / 1000))

This works and gives me the seconds between them.

When I create dates and covert the timezone, it fails. Here’s some code

const VenueDate = new Date();
var dateFormat = newIntl.DateTimeFormat(“en-US”, {timeZone:”Europe/Paris”});
const formatted = dateFormat.format(VenueDate);  

const startDateTime = new Date(‘2024-02-15 09:00:00.000000’)
const formattedStart = dateFormat.format(startDateTime );

console.log(Math.ceil((formatted – formattedStart ) / 1000))

Any help please

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@wbportFeb 10.2024 — Have you first hit F12 in your browser before running this code?

Review everything about Date constructors and methods. Also, you might want to use this format to set a date:
Mmm d[d], yyyy [hh:mm[:ss.sss]] [TZN]    E.g., Jan 1, 2008 14:00 GMT

Good luck!


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