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.htaccess file

I have the follow rules in my file, the account link work, go to tickets or password and i just get the account page, assume it’s getting the first account folder.. how can I fix this?

RewriteRule ^account account.php [NC]
RewriteRule ^account/tickets account-tickets.php [NC]
RewriteRule ^account/password change-password.php

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@grahamrodrigueApr 23.2024 — Hello,

It seems you’re dealing with URL rewriting in your .htaccess file. Let’s break down the rules you’ve provided:

RewriteRule ^account account.php [NC]: This rule redirects requests for /account to account.php. The [NC] flag makes the rule case-insensitive.
RewriteRule ^account/tickets account-tickets.php [NC]: Similarly, this rule redirects requests for /account/Doglikesbest/tickets to account-tickets.php.
RewriteRule ^account/password change-password.php? .htaccess file: Unfortunately, the third rule appears to be incomplete or incorrect. It lacks a valid pattern and substitution.
To address the issue, let’s focus on the third rule. If you want to rewrite requests for /account/password to a specific PHP file, you need to provide a valid pattern and substitution. Here’s an example of how you might structure it:

RewriteRule ^account/password$ change-password.php [NC,L]

Make sure to adjust the file paths and filenames according to your actual directory structure.


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