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Free Performance-Driven Full Stack Engineer (MERN Focus) Workshop for Aspiring Developers

I wanted to share an upcoming online event that could be valuable for anyone interested in full-stack web development, specifically using the MERN stack.

The Performance-Driven Full Stack Engineer (MERN Focus) workshop is a free 3-day event taking place from June 16th to June 18th, 2023, at 5 PM Daily. This workshop is designed for both beginners and experienced developers who want to enhance their skills in web development, learn about the latest technologies, and explore hands-on coding sessions.

During the workshop, participants will:

1. Dive deep into the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js)

2. Build a microblogging system with a microservices architecture

3. Learn from industry experts in JavaScript, React, Web Accessibility, and Project Management

4. Network with fellow professionals and expand their knowledge

I thought it might be useful for the community here.

If you’re interested in learning more or registering for the free workshop, you can visit the event website https://www.atopwebtech.com/performance-driven-full-stack-engineering/

Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences if you decide to attend. Let’s learn together and support each other in our web development journey!

Happy coding!

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