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CSS Grid – same number of children per row

Is is possible in CSS to ensure you always have the same number of items per grid row. I have the below code which fills the first row then spills the remaining items onto then next row. This leaves a gap as per this example.  https://jsfiddle.net/nzkiwis/zt4xepbf/9/

grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(260px, 1fr));
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@AliyaaiiJul 14.2023(updated) — Hi guys The CSS Grid layout allows for flexible and dynamic positioning of elements on a webpage. By using the "grid-template-columns" property, you can ensure that each row has an equal number of children. This provides consistency and helps in creating responsive designs.
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@SempervivumJul 16.2023 — I'm afraid that this isn't possible: If the number of items is a primary number it cannot distributed among more than one line without leaving a gap.
I order to beautify the look you might apply the item's background to the empty cells either.
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@alicja12Jul 18.2023 — I order to beautify the look you might apply the item's background to the empty cells either.
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@AliyaaiiJul 28.2023 — Hi guys
In CSS, it is indeed possible to ensure a consistent number of items per grid row by using the grid-auto-flow property. By setting it to dense, the grid will attempt to fill in any empty spaces with subsequent items, optimizing the layout and reducing gaps.
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@anniesteuberMar 28.2024 — Yes, it is possible to ensure that you always have the same number of items per grid row in CSS. To achieve this, you can use the grid-auto-flow: dense; property in combination with grid-template-columns.


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