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Getting an old page out of the search index

I just rebuilt an old site with all new pages. The old pages don’t exist on the site any more, but are still in the search index. I’m redirecting all the old pages to new pages. So far so good.

The problem is that one of those old pages had an incorrect title tag. The title tag was “Three Minute Therapy” which had nothing to do with that page.

Thus when an internet searcher now searches today for the title, “Three Minute Therapy,” they get that old page in the search results–a page which shouldn’t be in the search results at all, except for the fact that it had that incorrect title tag. When they click on the link in their search results, my redirect dutifully and rightly sends them to the new, improved page, which also has nothing to do with Three Minute Therapy.

What can I do to get that old page un-indexed quickly?

Here’s the old page:

You can try for yourself: simply type Three Minute Therapy into Google, and see Michelle Gall’s bio (the old page) in the search results. When you click on it, you’ll get my redirect to the new version of Michelle Gall’s bio.

Thank you for anyone who can shed light on this. I promised my clients some improvements in search, but this one remaining issue is too technical to explain to them. It just looks bad. My guess is that the page will go away eventually, but I’d like it to go away NOW.

Linda ?

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4 Comments(s)

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@HemmerMar 08.2006 — [URL=http://www.google.com/webmasters/remove.html]Try this.[/URL]
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@SeoDocMar 08.2006 — There are a couple of ways...one is to request removal...but I don't generrally recommend to do that...someone makes a mistake there and you could end up with the domain removed in addition to the page. The other way would be to remove the redirect....when the spiders see the page gone....the listing will be gone....you said "rightly sends them to the new page"...but in fact it is not the "right" page if it has nothing to do with the text they clicked.

Lastly, check to make certain your redirect is a 301 and be prepared to wait.
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@OgwainMar 24.2006 — Hi,

I did the very same thing about 3 years ago; I used redirects to the new pages, but an unfortunate aside was that google took umbridge & dropped me out of the rankings, leaving us dead in the water.

A far safer option is leave the pages on the engines & simply create a custom 404 page that notifies people that the page they're looking for has been updated. Don't auto redirect, just give them a simple link that takes them to your front door. It works like a charm!


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@SeoDocMar 24.2006 — It depends on the type of redirect you do....301, 302 or meta.


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