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HELP!! Website looks different in IE/FireFox!

I am making a website for a forum I am part of, I’m fairly new to html so I use templates. Just when I thought everything was well I opened my site up in Internet Explorer and it’s the wrong text in the wrong size. My site is [url]www.espnba.b0x.com/full.htm[/url] (temprorary link). What can I do to make it so both are the same?

Here’s my code for my whole site, the text is close to the bottom

<title>The Sports Central</title>
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<td valign=”top” background=”images/bg.jpg”><table width=”771″ height=”402″ border=”0″ align=”center” cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″>
<p><align justify><font color=”#666666″><font size=”3″ face=”Verdana”><pre> I will like to say welcome to TSC’s official website. Our forum has been up and running for over two months
and that is where everything started. As we grew we expanded to a website which will benefit us greatly and
may just get new members. We appreciate you enjoying our website but to have the full benefits of chatting with
the Staff I recommend signing up on the forum link at the top.

Thank you for visiting TSC’s website, remember to add us to your bookmarks.


</div> </td>


<td height=”29″ valign=”top”> <img src=”images/main_03.gif” width=”886″ height=”29″ alt=””></td>

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1 Comments(s)

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@NogDogAug 15.2005 — To start with, always begin your HTML document with a doctype. This gets IE out of "quirks mode" and into something resembling a more standards-compliant mode. This will increase the likelihood that it renders your page in a manner similar to more standards-compliant browsers like Firefox and Opera.

See http://www.w3.org/QA/2002/04/valid-dtd-list.html and choose an applicable doctype declaration, probably one of the HTML 4.01 choices.


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