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Pop-Up Menu (almost) Working

ok everything works on this so far except for two things:

  • how to make it work when a [B]spacific key[/B] is pressed

  • and how to make it so [B]it comes up in the right spot when I scroll[/B] on the page
    (and doesn’t pop-up off the screen where I can’t see it)
  • [CODE]

    <script language=”Javascript”>
    function toggleDiv(id,flagit) {
    if (flagit==”1″)
    if (document.layers) document.layers[”+id+”].visibility = “show”
    else if (document.all) document.all[”+id+”].style.visibility = “visible”
    else if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById(”+id+”).style.visibility = “visible”
    if (flagit==”0″)
    if (document.layers) document.layers[”+id+”].visibility = “hide”
    else if (document.all) document.all[”+id+”].style.visibility = “hidden”
    else if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById(”+id+”).style.visibility = “hidden”

    function ViewData(user,ValueShow)
    if(user.style.visibility==ValueShow)return true

    var mousex = window.event.x; // mouse location capture event
    var mousey = window.event.y; // mouse location capture event
    user.style.visibility = ValueShow; // show or hide respective Example
    user.style.left = mousex – 50; // place popup at the mouse X (left) location
    user.style.top = mousey; // place popup at the mouse Y (top) location


    #example1 {

    <body onKeyDown=”ViewData(example1,’visible’)” onKeyUp=”ViewData(example1,’hidden’)”>

    <div id=”example1″>
    This is the menu


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