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Information message Box

Does anyone know or has access to a script that implements an Information Message Box – Similar to the window.alert except that I want the “Information” image instead of the “Alert” image. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a window.information function in javascript! I can not use window.confirm because it has a Cancel button (which I don’t want) and it also displays a “Question” image.

Thanks in Advance

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@gil_davisNov 21.2002 — You can open a small window and roll your own, or use the "dynamic balloon" method. You can read more about "dynamic balloon help" at http://developer.netscape.com/viewsource/wyner_balloonhelp.html
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@krahbauthorNov 21.2002 — Thanks for the reply. The link you provided was interesting and useful, however, what I want is really the following:

A non-resizable modal window with no Minimize or Maximize control buttons that opens with a message text, an image, and an OK button, that's it! I can not seem to figure out how to open modal windows in javascript using the window.open method.


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@gil_davisNov 21.2002 — http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/samples/author/dhtml/refs/showModalDialog.htm will give you a way to build a window and then you can cut n' paste the results.

Other help/syntax at http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/methods/showmodaldialog.asp.

This is a proprietary method and is not supported by any browser other than Microsoft products.
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@jalpaApr 12.2011 — hope you fine solution for this

I want to do the same just display information messagebox that 'record inserted' with ok button only (and not ico of alret but confirm icon fine)

have you find any solution? the alert is or confirm or even promt not help me

can you reply me soon

thankt lot


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