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Reloading parent page from a iframe pop


Im having a bit of a dilema.

Im opening a pop up window from inside an iframe.
The popup contains this code

[code=php]<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>

var myTimeout=setTimeout(“closeWindow()”,3000);

function closeWindow() {

This closes it and reloads the iframe, but what I want it to do is reload the entire page that the iframe is on instead.

Any ideas? Thank you.

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6 Comments(s)

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@gil_davisMar 12.2003 — Instead ofwindow.opener.location.reload();[/quote]
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@The_JonathanauthorMar 12.2003 — Well, I feel moronic now...

I cant believe I didnt try that, I tried


And just about everything else, and I almost tried that one, but I gave up and came here...

Thank you very much.
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@The_JonathanauthorMar 12.2003 — Ive come across an odd problem.

It works on every page on my site, but when I go to a page in the forums with a url such as this


It no longer works, the pop up just stays, it never closes and the page doesnt refresh.

Any Ideas why?
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@The_JonathanauthorMar 12.2003 — This is really odd, sometimes this will work perfectly, but then then for apparantly no reason itll just stop working. It starts giving me a Permission denies error, and as soon as it does it once it wont work anwhere else on my site... even though it did just a few minutes before.

Any reason this is happening? Any ideas how to fix it?

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@gil_davisMar 12.2003 — "Access Denied" is a security warning that you are trying to script across domains. If you ever load a page that is not in the same domain, you get stuck in that condition until you start over.
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@The_JonathanauthorMar 12.2003 — I see, so even though its on the same server if its called in one of the forums pages it thinks its a seperate server and will make it inactive across the rest of my site. Damn.

I wonder why it does that, and why it only messes it up only on the forums pages.


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