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how to popup a non-resizeble window

Hello! I would like to know if there is any javascript to deactivate the maximize button of the browser.
I have a page with a link to open a new window. this new window has 400×200 pixels, and the content of the page is centered on an image background, and if the users maximize the window, the content will not be in the right place any more. That’s why i need something tho deactivate the maximize button, to be a non-resizeble window.
I apreciate all the help.

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@screamingbuddhaNov 21.2002 — resizable=0
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@StefanNov 21.2002 — [i]Originally posted by PILOT [/i]

the content of the page is centered on an image background, and if the users maximize the window, the content will not be in the right place any more. [/QUOTE]

This sounds more like a HTML/CSS coding error then something that would require that you force a special size on your poor unsuspecting users.

Post the url and we can help you fix it the _proper_ way.
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@Zach_ElfersNov 21.2002 — Of course you can also do resizable=no.


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