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Please..Please !!

I’ setting up a non goverment sport ISP in South Africa. I’m trying to create a sport form in ASP….with no luck !
I don’t know ASP. Can someone please help me to set up a basic forum is ASP.

This following problem…may some can help me with yhis one aswell. I registered a new domain. I informed my dns admin to redirect the domain to my IP. I’ve created in my wwwroot a new folder with a home.html document in it. Where and how do I set the default page of that domain to home.html ? Operating Windows 2000 server / Dell 2550.

Please can some help me.


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@smurfyNov 26.2002 — Hi HennieV.

1stly the forum, personally I wouldn't think that the time & effort would be worth it when there are many free software packages out there that can do the trick.

I'd certainly recommend http://www.invisionboard.com which is php & mySQL based.

2ndly, with regards to the domain name, it's not clear from your post if this is the only domain hosted on this server.

If not, you may want to take a look at the iis documentation on your local server. (note to readers - this link will probably only work on W2kServers with IIS - although it may worjk on any machine with IIS installed) http://localhost/iisHelp/iis/htm/core/iinmres.htm#AssigningNamestoVirtualServers
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@jpmoriartyNov 26.2002 — You'll want to right click on the folder name on the left hand screen (be it wwwroot or a sub-virtual directoy if you're using it, but if you do it in wwwroot then it will apply to all sub folders i think). Go to properties, and one of the tabs is called something like default documents, and it will have a list of filenames like "default.asp", "default.htm", "index.htm" in an ordered list. All you need to do is click on add, type in the name of the page you want (in this case home.html or home.htm) and move it to the top of the list using the arrows. Then when someone goes to your directory and doesnt specify a file, it will look for files that go by the names given in that list, loading the one that it comes to first. So, if you have two files called default.asp and home.html, depending on which one is higher in that list, that's the one that it will load.

Hope that helps,
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@smurfyNov 27.2002 — D'oh. Looks like I read that 2nd question completely the wrong way...

HennieV, John is of course 100% correct.

Either use Windows Explorer or (better way)

Start>Programs>Administrative Tools>Internet Services Manager.

Right click your "Default Web Site" and select the Documents tab.


If you're stuck with asp for your forum (my co is a M$ shop so I run into that a lot) you may want to check out some of these:




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@tanvirAug 28.2005 — Hi

How are you?

My name is Tanvir. A am from Bangladesh in South Asia.

I am a web developer(PHP and MYSql) of a well known company named BOL(Bangladesh Online Limited) in our country.

I am very much pleased to be a registered memeber of this site.

Thank you.
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@BullschmidtAug 31.2005 — henniev:

Where and how do I set the default page of that domain to home.html

Seems like on an ASP site you'd want filename extensions to be .asp instead of .html especially since .asp pages can do everything .html page can do and more.

And the usual home page filename on an ASP site is default.asp and that may already be the way your Web host is set up.
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@BullschmidtAug 31.2005 — tanvir:


How are you?

My name is Tanvir. A am from Bangladesh in South Asia.

I am a web developer(PHP and MYSql) of a well known company named BOL(Bangladesh Online Limited) in our country.

I am very much pleased to be a registered memeber of this site.

Thank you.

Hi tanvir and welcome to the board (although this particular area is more for ASP stuff than PHP)... ?


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