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shortlist from search result(mysql)

I have made a search page in PHP to get rows of search result which match the search criteria.

On this result page,I want to add a ‘add to shortlist’button below each row,so that it can get added to a shortlist of results.
Then after that I should be able to view the shortlisted result rows on a separate page.

Can anyone guide me how to go about this.Maybe sessions to be used ,but how??



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10 Comments(s)

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@scragarJan 06.2005 — either store them in a session array;

$_SESSION['shortlist'] = array();
$_SESSION['shortlist'][] = $_GET['storeID'];
echo("that was added to your shortlist.");

then on a show results page:

$_SESSION['shortlist'] = array();
if(count($_SESSION['shortlist']) == 0){
echo("you have no results shortlisted.");
$i = 0;
while($i <= count($_SESSION['shortlist'])){
$rs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblname WHERE primaryID = ".$_SESSION['shortlist'][$i]);
echo("<a href="veiwResultURL?ID=");
echo(mysql_result($rs, 0, "primaryID"));
echo(mysql_result($rs, 0, "title OR link text"));
echo("</a><br />");
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@ashokvasauthorJan 07.2005 — Thanks for the suggestion.

But I dont understand how do I get the $GET[storeid] from.Do I have to make a 'add to shortlist' button below each result row which will send out the query string setting this value?

Can you please give details as I am a newbie??


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@scragarJan 07.2005 — under each result you'll have a submit ID link that will send it to the same page($PHP_SELF) with a querystring similar to "storeID=5", so overall the link looks like:

[code=php]echo("<a href="$PHP_SELF?storeID=".mysql_result($rs, 0, "primaryID"));[/code]

where $rs is your record set and primaryID is the primary key for the table. This means that all PHP is doing is reloading the page, although you might want to change how it sends the search to a querystring so this can go in the URL again as shown bellow:
[code=php]// let q be the querystring to find in the results we get a new link:
echo("<a href="$PHP_SELF?storeID=".mysql_result($rs, 0, "primaryID")."&q=".$_GET['q']);[/code]

of course your form world proberly need its method of submision changing and the PHP script changed to acept a querystring insead of form submission.
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@ashokvasauthorJan 07.2005 — Thanks very much and although I am getting the idea ,but since I am a newbie,I still seem to be stuck .I am showing the results page below( as the reply is not allowing me to send a file attachment with .php extension) for you to have a look and suggest what to do.

I really appreciate your helping me out


<?php require_once('Connections/dbconn.php'); ?>


$vareyecolor_rsVis = "%";

if (isset($_POST['eye_color'])) {

$vareyecolor_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_
POST['eye_color'] : addslashes($_POST['eye_color']);


$varbrlo_rsVis = "%";

if (isset($_
POST['brlo'])) {

$varbrlo_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['brlo'] : addslashes($_POST['brlo']);


$varbrhi_rsVis = "%";

if (isset($_POST['brhi'])) {

$varbrhi_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_
POST['brhi'] : addslashes($_POST['brhi']);


$varwstlo_rsVis = "%";

if (isset($_
POST['wstlo'])) {

$varwstlo_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['wstlo'] : addslashes($_POST['wstlo']);


$varwsthi_rsVis = "%";

if (isset($_POST['wsthi'])) {

$varwsthi_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_
POST['wsthi'] : addslashes($_POST['wsthi']);


$varhiplo_rsVis = "%";

if (isset($_
POST['hiplo'])) {

$varhiplo_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['hiplo'] : addslashes($_POST['hiplo']);


$varhiphi_rsVis = "%";

if (isset($_POST['hiphi'])) {

$varhiphi_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_
POST['hiphi'] : addslashes($_POST['hiphi']);


$varhtlo_rsVis = "%";

if (isset($_
POST['htlo'])) {

$varhtlo_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['htlo'] : addslashes($_POST['htlo']);


$varhthi_rsVis = "%";

if (isset($_POST['hthi'])) {

$varhthi_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_
POST['hthi'] : addslashes($_POST['hthi']);


$varhcolor_rsVis = "%";

if (isset($_
POST['hair_color'])) {

$varhcolor_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['hair_color'] : addslashes($_POST['hair_color']);


$varwarea_rsVis = "%";

if (isset($_POST['w_area'])) {

$varwarea_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_
POST['w_area'] : addslashes($_POST['w_area']);





mysql_select_db($database_dbconn, $dbconn);

$query_rsVis = sprintf("SELECT users.id, users.color_eyes, users.foto1, users.foto2, users.foto3, users.alias_name, users.meas_bres, users.meas_waist, users.meas_hip, users.height, users.cv1_date, users.cv1_title, users.cv1_contents FROM users WHERE users.color_eyes='%s' AND users.meas_bres>'%s' AND users.meas_bres<'%s' AND users.meas_waist>'%s' AND users.meas_waist<'%s' AND users.meas_hip>'%s' AND users.meas_hip<'%s' AND users.height>'%s' AND users.height<'%s' AND users.hair_color='%s' AND users.w_area='%s'", $vareyecolor_rsVis,$varbrlo_rsVis,$varbrhi_rsVis,$varwstlo_rsVis,$varwsthi_rsVis,$varhiplo_rsVis,$varhiphi_rsVis,$varhtlo_rsVis,$varhthi_rsVis,$varhcolor_rsVis,$varwarea_rsVis);

$rsVis = mysql_query($query_rsVis, $dbconn) or die(mysql_error());

$totalRows_rsVis = mysql_num_rows($rsVis);


if ($totalRows_rsVis != 0)




echo "Error seeking data";?>

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<td width="679">

<table width="635" height="825" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">


<td height="66" colspan="4"><p><img src="Graphics/SearchBar.jpg" width="625" height="43" /></p>




($row_rsVis = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsVis)));
$rowCounter++){ ?>
<td align="center" valign="top">Stats</td>
<td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;
<td align="center" valign="top">Curriculum</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">Book</td>
<td width="76" height="119" align="left" valign="top"><a href="ModelStatsVisit.php?id=<?php echo $row_rsVis['id']; ?>"><img src="images/<?php echo $row_rsVis['foto1']; ?>" width="73" height="100" border="0" /></a></td>
<td width="367" align="left" valign="top"><h5> <?php echo $row_rsVis['alias_name']; ?></h5>
<p>Height:<?php echo $row_rsVis['height']; ?> cm, Measures:<?php echo $row_rsVis['meas_bres']; ?>-<?php echo $row_rsVis['meas_waist']; ?>-<?php echo $row_rsVis['meas_hip']; ?>. Latest assignment: (CV1Date) <strong><?php echo $row_rsVis['cv1_date']; ?>, </strong>(CV1 Title) <strong><?php echo $row_rsVis['cv1_title']; ?></strong>, (CV1 Text)<font class="normal">:<?php echo $row_rsVis['cv1_contents']; ?> .</font>
<td width="86" align="center" valign="top"><a href="Stats_CV.php?id=<?php echo $row_rsVis['id']; ?>"><img src="images/<?php echo $row_rsVis['foto2']; ?>" width="72" height="100" border="0" /></a></td>
<td width="75" align="center" valign="top"><img src="images/<?php echo $row_rsVis['foto3']; ?>" width="72" height="100" /></td>

<td height="23" colspan="4"><img src="Graphics/SimpleLine.jpg" width="625" height="5" /></td>
<tr><td height="23" colspan="4"><div align="center">
<table width="635" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">


<?php }
($rowCounter+$offset)." of";
echo" $totalRows_rsVis records found matching".
" your criterian<br>";
echo "nt<a href="search_Visitor_Result.php"?offset=".rawurlencode($previousOffset).">Previous</a>";

echo "<br>Previous";

if(($row_rsVis !=false)&&($totalRows_rsVis >$nextOffset))

echo"nt<a href="search_Visitor_Result.php"?offset=".rawurlencode($nextOffset).">Next</a>";

echo " Next";

echo"<br><br><a href="SearchVisit.htm">Back to Search</a><br>";

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@scragarJan 07.2005 — please put it in the PHP tags([/code] to end and [code=php] to start)

once that's done you should indent it so everything is moved in by 1 or 2 spaces for each brace it's captured by (makes it easier to spot failure to open/close braces as well as making finding the end of some scripts easier)

if you can do that I'll get working on changing it.
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@ashokvasauthorJan 08.2005 — I am sorry but I dont understand the [code=php] and [/code] tags.

I have already shown the <?php and ?> tags.

Are you suggesting that I use the tags mentioned by you and send the file to you as a text file by attaching it to my reply?

As concerns the indenting,I wlll make the spaces of 1-2 lines between each set of braces.

Awaiting your confirmation/instructions.

Really kind of you to be so helpful!

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@ashokvasauthorJan 09.2005 — HI,

is this how you wanted it?
<?php require_once('Connections/dbconn.php'); ?>
$vareyecolor_rsVis = "%";
if (isset($_POST['eye_color'])) {
$vareyecolor_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['eye_color'] : addslashes($_POST['eye_color']);
$varbrlo_rsVis = "%";
if (isset($_POST['brlo'])) {
$varbrlo_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['brlo'] : addslashes($_POST['brlo']);
$varbrhi_rsVis = "%";
if (isset($_POST['brhi'])) {
$varbrhi_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['brhi'] : addslashes($_POST['brhi']);
$varwstlo_rsVis = "%";
if (isset($_POST['wstlo'])) {
$varwstlo_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['wstlo'] : addslashes($_POST['wstlo']);
$varwsthi_rsVis = "%";
if (isset($_POST['wsthi'])) {
$varwsthi_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['wsthi'] : addslashes($_POST['wsthi']);
$varhiplo_rsVis = "%";
if (isset($_POST['hiplo'])) {
$varhiplo_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['hiplo'] : addslashes($_POST['hiplo']);
$varhiphi_rsVis = "%";
if (isset($_POST['hiphi'])) {
$varhiphi_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['hiphi'] : addslashes($_POST['hiphi']);
$varhtlo_rsVis = "%";
if (isset($_POST['htlo'])) {
$varhtlo_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['htlo'] : addslashes($_POST['htlo']);
$varhthi_rsVis = "%";
if (isset($_POST['hthi'])) {
$varhthi_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['hthi'] : addslashes($_POST['hthi']);
$varhcolor_rsVis = "%";
if (isset($_POST['hair_color'])) {
$varhcolor_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['hair_color'] : addslashes($_POST['hair_color']);
$varwarea_rsVis = "%";
if (isset($_POST['w_area'])) {
$varwarea_rsVis = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['w_area'] : addslashes($_POST['w_area']);


mysql_select_db($database_dbconn, $dbconn);
$query_rsVis = sprintf("SELECT users.id, users.color_eyes, users.foto1, users.foto2, users.foto3, users.alias_name, users.meas_bres, users.meas_waist, users.meas_hip, users.height, users.cv1_date, users.cv1_title, users.cv1_contents FROM users WHERE users.color_eyes='%s' AND users.meas_bres>'%s' AND users.meas_bres<'%s' AND users.meas_waist>'%s' AND users.meas_waist<'%s' AND users.meas_hip>'%s' AND users.meas_hip<'%s' AND users.height>'%s' AND users.height<'%s' AND users.hair_color='%s' AND users.w_area='%s'", $vareyecolor_rsVis,$varbrlo_rsVis,$varbrhi_rsVis,$

$rsVis = mysql_query($query_rsVis, $dbconn) or die(mysql_error());

$totalRows_rsVis = mysql_num_rows($rsVis);

if ($totalRows_rsVis != 0)


echo "Error seeking data";?>


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<div align="center">

<table width="699" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">


<td width="679">

<table width="635" height="825" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">


<td height="66" colspan="4"><p><img src="Graphics/SearchBar.jpg" width="625" height="43" /></p>





($row_rsVis = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsVis)));
$rowCounter++){ ?>



<td align="center" valign="top">Stats</td>

<td align="left" valign="top">

<td align="center" valign="top">Curriculum</td>

<td align="center" valign="top">Book</td>




<td width="76" height="119" align="left" valign="top"><a href="ModelStatsVisit.php?id=<?php echo $row_rsVis['id']; ?>"><img src="images/<?php echo $row_rsVis['foto1']; ?>" width="73" height="100" border="0" /></a></td>
<td width="367" align="left" valign="top"><h5> <?php echo $row_rsVis['alias_name']; ?></h5>
<p>Height:<?php echo $row_rsVis['height']; ?> cm, Measures:<?php echo $row_rsVis['meas_bres']; ?>-<?php echo $row_rsVis['meas_waist']; ?>-<?php echo $row_rsVis['meas_hip']; ?>. Latest assignment: (CV1Date) <strong><?php echo $row_rsVis['cv1_date']; ?>, </strong>(CV1 Title) <strong><?php echo $row_rsVis['cv1_title']; ?></strong>, (CV1 Text)<font class="normal">:<?php echo $row_rsVis['cv1_contents']; ?> .</font>

<td width="86" align="center" valign="top"><a href="Stats_CV.php?id=<?php echo $row_rsVis['id']; ?>"><img src="images/<?php echo $row_rsVis['foto2']; ?>" width="72" height="100" border="0" /></a></td>
<td width="75" align="center" valign="top"><img src="images/<?php echo $row_rsVis['foto3']; ?>" width="72" height="100" /></td>



<td height="23" colspan="4"><img src="Graphics/SimpleLine.jpg" width="625" height="5" /></td>


<tr><td height="23" colspan="4"><div align="center">

<table width="635" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">


<?php }
($rowCounter+$offset)." of";
echo" $totalRows_rsVis records found matching".
" your criterian<br>";
echo "nt<a href="search_Visitor_Result.php"?offset=".rawurlencode($previousOffset).">Previous</a>";

echo "<br>Previous";

if(($row_rsVis !=false)&&($totalRows_rsVis >$nextOffset))

echo"nt<a href="search_Visitor_Result.php"?offset=".rawurlencode($nextOffset).">Next</a>";

echo " Next";

echo"<br><br><a href="SearchVisit.htm">Back to Search</a><br>";



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<td width="55">Model's book</td>

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<td height="23" colspan="4"><div align="center">Modelbranding.com is a business division of CD Computer & Development Ltda. and is an Internet News and Information Provider. The webcontents do not necessarily express the policies or opinion of the company or Modelbranding.com. The content is the exclusive responsibility of its author or creator. All rights reserved. </div></td>



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@ashokvasauthorJan 11.2005 — I am waiting for your reply anxiously.Please let me know what to do?


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@ashokvasauthorJan 14.2005 — Dear Scragar,

I am still awaiting to get your suggestions for my problem.

Please do find some time for this.

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@scragarJan 14.2005 — sorry, You should realy put everything in the php tags not just you php code(html wouldn't get colour highlighted but it does look smoother without all the horizontal bars.

I've not got long enough to find the solution today, but I've saved a copy of it and I'll answer you over the weekend ok?

And I agpoligise again for not getting back to you but it's a relitivly large change to impliment this kind of code and I was not looking forward to it.


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