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Develop on Linux Mint or Windows?

I have often read that many web developers like to code on Linux.

Which OS do you prefer to develop on, Linux Mint or Windows?

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@NogDogFeb 10.2023 — None of the above?

MacOS, here...but you can run VS Code on any of them, and I often use Linux containers via Docker when I want to develop for a particular environment.
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@changintimesauthorFeb 10.2023 — Thanks NogDog! I’m a bit new. could you elaborate about Docker and why you would code for a different environment?
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@NogDogFeb 11.2023 — > @changintimesl#1650560 could you elaborate about Docker and why you would code for a different environment?

Docker is a set of tools that let you generate a "container" on your computer running its own operating system (and version), along with applications like web severs, databases, etc. It's similar to running a "virtual machine" on your computer. This means that if you are working on MacOS, say, but know you are going to deploy to a web host running on Ubuntu Linux version X, with Apache version Y and PHP version Z; then you can build and run that environment in a local Docker container. This helps ensure what you are writing will actually work in that set-up.

In fact, for what I work on at my job, we actually deploy Docker containers on the live web servers. Therefore, we basically deploy the exact same environment on the production server as we develop on. So this means we can choose the server environment and tools on which to run each application's container.

I'm not claiming this is simple, and fortunately I work with devops people at work who understand it better than I do. :)

  • - [Official "Getting Started" page](https://docs.docker.com/get-started/)

  • - [Not too terribly long intro video](https://youtu.be/gAkwW2tuIqE)
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    @changintimesauthorFeb 16.2023 — thanks again NogDog.

    well i'm thinking i'm not quite ready for docker yet. i've heard it's good. but not sure why i would need it. perhaps i need more experience with partitions first to really understand.


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