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Uncaught type error?


I’m trying to follow and make this [translator](https://youtu.be/-Bk4siyhvDE) and am stuck at 19:38. When I set the target language to a language and type “hello” I get the following error in the console:


<br />


<b>Warning</b>: Undefined array key “lang_two” in <b>/Users/——–/Downloads/LangTranslator/process.php</b> on line <b>8</b><br />


<br />


<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught TypeError: StichozaGoogleTranslateGoogleTranslate::__construct(): Argument #1 ($target) must be of type string, null given, called in /Users/———/Downloads/LangTranslator/process.php on line 12 and defined in /Users/————/Downloads/LangTranslator/vendor/stichoza/google-translate-php/src/GoogleTranslate.php:108


Stack trace:


#0 /Users/———/Downloads/LangTranslator/process.php(12): StichozaGoogleTranslateGoogleTranslate-&gt;__construct(NULL)


#1 {main}


thrown in <b>/Users/——–/Downloads/LangTranslator/vendor/stichoza/google-translate-php/src/GoogleTranslate.php</b> on line <b>108</b><br />

The console is supposed to print “en”, for English as the auto-detect (source) language.

This is my process.php code so far:


require_once ‘vendor/autoload.php’;

use StichozaGoogleTranslateGoogleTranslate;

$lang_one = $_POST[‘lang_one’];
$lang_two = $_POST[‘lang_two’];
$text = $_POST[‘text’];

if ($lang_one == “AUTO_DETECT”) {
$tr = new GoogleTranslate($lang_two);

$text = $tr->translate($text);

echo $tr->getLastDetectedSource(); // Output: en
} else {
echo $tr->setSource($lang_one)->setTarget($lang_two)->translate($text);


And app.js:

$(“#convert”).on(“click”, function() {
var lang_one = $(“#lang_one”).val();
var lang_two = $(“#lang_two”).val();
var text = $(“#text”).val();

url: “process.php”,
method: “post”,
data: {lang_one: lang_one, lang_two:lang_two, text: text},
success: function(status){

I’m not sure why the error shows up. It says a type error but I can’t really identify one in my code. I tried to add a try-catch block after seeing a SO post:


require_once ‘vendor/autoload.php’;

use StichozaGoogleTranslateGoogleTranslate;

$lang_one = $_POST[‘lang_one’];
$lang_two = $_POST[‘lang_two’];
$text = $_POST[‘text’];

try {
if ($lang_one == “AUTO_DETECT”) {
$tr = new GoogleTranslate($lang_two);

$text = $tr->translate($text);

echo $tr->getLastDetectedSource(); // Output: en
} else {
echo $tr->setSource($lang_one)->setTarget($lang_two)->translate($text);
catch (TypeError $e) {
echo ‘error!!’;

And now it throws in the console:


<br />
> <b>Warning</b>: Undefined array key “lang_two” in <b>/Users/——–/Downloads/LangTranslator/process.php</b> on line <b>8</b><br />
> error!!

I downloaded composer (version 2.4.2), just like in the video, and followed the steps to import the google translate Github library. Can someone please help me fix this TypeError? Thanks!

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@tracknutSep 21.2022 — Your warning is pointing at the reference to $_POST['lang_two'] at the top of process.php being non-existent (ie, looking it up as an array key in $_POST[] fails). Where are you getting that variable from? Some html form is not shown here, I presume. Check that, maybe a typo in the form field name?
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@NogDogSep 21.2022 — Yeah, since $_POST['lang_two'] was not defined, $lang_two got set to null, which is its own type -- i.e. it is not of type string, which apparently the GoogleTranslate constructor has as the required type for its constructor's parameter.

Therefore, it's almost always a good idea to do some form input validation before you try to actually use the input fields. ;)


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