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Is My http_build_query() Useage Fine Or Not ?


Do you think I used the http_build_query() and the ternary correctly or not ?
Any bad or wrong coding on this pagination script below ?

It gets it’s values from $_GET. Will add html form and $_POST stuffs later. Let’s get the basics of http_build_query () out of the way first. Shall we ? πŸ˜‰

I did not use mysqli_stmt_num_rows() or mysqli_num_rows() on this one as will use on another project/s.
Here, I used the Sql COUNT to count the matching rows found. I did that, to make use of the mysqli_stmt_bind_result().

Not into pdo yet.


//Report Error.

//Valid $_GET Items.
$tables = array(‘admin’,’admin_settings’,’links’,’taggings’,’affiliates’,’affiliates_settings’,’partners’,’partners_settings’,’sponsors’,’sponsors_settings’,’advertisers’,’advertisers_settings’,’members’,’members_settings’,’searchers’,’searchers_settings’,’users’,’users_settings’);
$links_table_columns = array(‘id’,’date_and_time’,’domain’,’domain_email’,’word’,’phrase’);

//Extract $_GETs.
$tbl = ISSET($_GET[‘tbl’])?strtolower($_GET[‘tbl’]):die(‘Insert Table!’);
$input_1 = !EMPTY($_GET[‘input_1’])?strtolower($_GET[‘input_1’]):die(‘Make your input for us to search!’);
$input_2 = !EMPTY($_GET[‘input_2’])?strtolower($_GET[‘input_2’]):null;
$col_1 = !EMPTY($_GET[‘col_1’])?strtolower($_GET[‘col_1’]):die(‘Input MySql Column to search!’);
$col_2 = !EMPTY($_GET[‘col_2’])?strtolower($_GET[‘col_2’]):null;
$bool = !EMPTY($_GET[‘bool’])?strtolower($_GET[‘bool’]):null;
$page = !EMPTY($_GET[‘pg’])?intval($_GET[‘pg’]):1;
$limit = !EMPTY($_GET[‘lmt’])?intval($_GET[‘lmt’]):1;
$offset = ($page*$limit)-$limit;

die(‘Invalid Mysql Table!’);

die(‘Invalid Mysql Table!’);

//Query DB.
$conn = mysqli_connect(“localhost”,”root”,””,”gulf”); //mysqli_connect(“server”,”user”,”password”,”db”);

$stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($conn);

$input_1 = $_GET[‘input_1’];
$input_2 = $_GET[‘input_2′];
$sql_count = “SELECT COUNT(id) from $tbl WHERE $col_1 = ? AND $col_2 = ?”;
$sql = “SELECT id,domain,word,phrase from $tbl WHERE $col_1 = ? AND $col_2 = ? LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset”;
$input_1 = $_GET[‘input_1’];
$input_2 = $_GET[‘input_2′];
$sql_count = “SELECT COUNT(id) from $tbl WHERE $col_1 = ? OR $col_2 = ?”;
$sql = “SELECT id,domain,word,phrase from $tbl WHERE $col_1 = ? AND $col_2 = ? LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset”;
$input_1 = $_GET[‘input_1’];
$sql_count = “SELECT COUNT(id) from $tbl WHERE $col_1 = ?”;
$sql = “SELECT id,domain,word,phrase from $tbl WHERE $col_1 = ? LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset”;

echo ‘Mysqli Error: ‘ .mysqli_stmt_error($stmt);
echo ‘<br>’;
echo ‘Mysqli Error No: ‘ .mysqli_stmt_errno($stmt);
if($bool==’and’ || $bool==’or’)

$result = mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt,$rows_count);

echo ‘Total Result: ‘ .$rows_count; echo ‘<br><br>’;

echo ‘Mysqli Error: ‘ .mysqli_stmt_error($stmt);
echo ‘<br>’;
echo ‘Mysqli Error No: ‘ .mysqli_stmt_errno($stmt);
if($bool==’and’ || $bool==’or’)

$result = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt);

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
$id = $row[‘id’];
$domain = $row[‘domain’];
$word = $row[‘word’];
$phrase = $row[‘phrase’];

echo “$id<br>”;
echo “$domain<br>”;
echo “$word<br>”;
echo “$phrase<br>”;
echo “<br>”;


echo ‘Total Pages: ‘ .$total_pages = ceil($rows_count/$limit);
echo ‘<br><br>’;

$i = 0;
$array = array(“tbl”=>”$tbl”,”col_1″=>”$col_1″,”bool”=>”$bool”,”input_1″=>”$input_1″,”pg”=>”$i”);

$serps_url = $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’].’?’.http_build_query($array);
echo “<a href=”$serps_url”>$i</a>”;
$array = array(“tbl”=>”$tbl”,”col_1″=>”$col_1″,”col_2″=>”$col_2″,”bool”=>”$bool”,”input_1″=>”$input_1″,”input_2″=>”$input_2″,”pg”=>”$i”);

$serps_url = $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’].’?’.http_build_query($array);
echo “<a href=”$serps_url”>$i</a>”;

echo ‘<br>’;


A typical pagination url look like these:



I do not why the forum messes up my line alignments here. Looks fine on NotePad++.

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@NogDogAug 03.2022 β€”Β > Is My http_build_query() Useage Fine Or Not ?

Why all that code to answer that question? (And no, I'm not going to read all of that and do a code review for you -- at least not for free.)
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@SempervivumAug 03.2022 β€”Β I didn't review you code completely but focused on http_build_query. Seems to be fine, you are preparing an ass. array and hand it over to that function. Note that the main benefit of this function is: It prepares the query string completely, including correct encoding of special characters. No need to deal with functions like urlencode.
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@novice2022authorAug 03.2022 β€”Β @Sempervivum#1645620

Yes. That is what I was told.

Originally, I had the pagination section, like this:
</i>$i = 0;
if($bool=='and' || $bool=='or')
$serps_url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.'tbl='.urlencode($tbl).'&amp;'.'col_1='.urlencode($col_1).'&amp;'.'col_2='.urlencode($col_2).'&amp;'.'bool='.$bool.'&amp;'.'input_1='.urlencode($input_1).'&amp;'.'input_2='.urlencode($input_2).'&amp;'.'lmt='.intval($limit).'&amp;'.'pg='.intval($i);
echo '&lt;a href="' .htmlspecialchars($serps_url) .'"&gt;' .$i .'&lt;/a&gt;';
$serps_url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.'tbl='.urlencode($tbl).'&amp;'.'col_1='.urlencode($col_1).'&amp;'.'bool='.urlencode($bool).'&amp;'.'input_1='.urlencode($input_1).'&amp;'.'lmt='.intval($limit).'&amp;'.'pg='.intval($i);
echo '&lt;a href="' .htmlspecialchars($serps_url) .'"&gt;' .$i .'&lt;/a&gt;';

Then, at stackexchange, someone refered me to http_build_query() a year ago. I learnt it. But did not use it for many months and have forgotten how to use it. And so came here.

I was about to ask you what you meant by "ass" as I missed the dot. Now I understand.

Anyway, do you see anything wrong with the above code that makes no use of http_build_query() ?

Remember, the $_GET values in the urls would be user input values. Need to secure user inputs so no sql injection or any other funny business. hence, I showed my full code in my op. To see if anyone can spot any serious mistake on my part.

Thanks anyway.
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@novice2022authorAug 03.2022 β€”Β @NogDog#1645617

Let us go backwards then before http_build_query() as I already got green light from Semprevivum that my http_build_query() is ok.

Do you see the code on my previous post, just above this one ?

Is it ok or I messed a thing or two out ?

Not sure if I showed use int() or intval() there.

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@novice2022authorAug 03.2022 β€”Β One thing I learnt today, you can use mysqli_stmt_affected_rows() instead of mysqli_stmt_num_rows(). But both these functions has to be used after the mysqli_stmt_store_result() function, if the SQL query is a SELECT query. A lot of puzzle got solved tonight. ;)

Learnt now about mysqli_stmt_free_result() as had a few questions on it.
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@novice2022authorAug 03.2022 β€”Β @ginerjm

Anything wrong with my ternary ?
</i>//Extract $_GETs.
$tbl = ISSET($_GET['tbl'])?strtolower($_GET['tbl']):die('Insert Table!');
$input_1 = !EMPTY($_GET['input_1'])?strtolower($_GET['input_1']):die('Make your input for us to search!');
$input_2 = !EMPTY($_GET['input_2'])?strtolower($_GET['input_2']):null;
$col_1 = !EMPTY($_GET['col_1'])?strtolower($_GET['col_1']):die('Input MySql Column to search!');
$col_2 = !EMPTY($_GET['col_2'])?strtolower($_GET['col_2']):null;
$bool = !EMPTY($_GET['bool'])?strtolower($_GET['bool']):null;
$page = !EMPTY($_GET['pg'])?intval($_GET['pg']):1;
$limit = !EMPTY($_GET['lmt'])?intval($_GET['lmt']):1;
$offset = ($page*$limit)-$limit;

Or, everything ok ?

You think you can better it ?
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@novice2022authorAug 09.2022 β€”Β Hi,

Anything wrong with my ternaries below ? Acts ok to me, so far. But what is your feed-back.
</i>//Extract $_GETs.
$tbl = ISSET($_GET['tbl'])?strtolower($_GET['tbl']):die('Insert Table!');
$input_1 = !EMPTY($_GET['input_1'])?strtolower($_GET['input_1']):die('Make your input for us to search!');
$input_2 = !EMPTY($_GET['input_2'])?strtolower($_GET['input_2']):null;
$col_1 = !EMPTY($_GET['col_1'])?strtolower($_GET['col_1']):die('Input MySql Column to search!');
$col_2 = !EMPTY($_GET['col_2'])?strtolower($_GET['col_2']):null;
$bool = !EMPTY($_GET['bool'])?strtolower($_GET['bool']):null;
$page = !EMPTY($_GET['pg'])?intval($_GET['pg']):1;
$limit = !EMPTY($_GET['lmt'])?intval($_GET['lmt']):1;
$offset = ($page*$limit)-$limit;

Anyway, to better them ?
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@NogDogAug 09.2022 β€”Β > @novice2022#1645712 Anything wrong with my ternaries below

tl;dr: I would never use that for form validation. It's hard to read/maintain, provides a lousy user experience, and is very non-DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). Anyway...

The ternary operators should "work", but...
  • * Why isset() for the table name but !empty() for everything else?
  • * And why do you use all-caps for those functions? (It still works, but nobody I know does that 🤷 )

  • * : die("some message") is a pretty horrible way to report an input error. (The user then has to figure out how to navigate back to the form page, where they'll have to re-enter everything again.)

  • * I'm just guessing you have nothing in place to prevent SQL injection attacks on the table and column names?

  • ``text<i>
    </i> +----------------------------------------------+
    Table Name: | users where exists(truncate table users); -- |

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    @novice2022authorAug 09.2022 β€”Β @NogDog#1645717


    How did you draw that cartoon and how long it took ?

    Ok. Let's see you sanitize this then ....
    </i>$tbl = !EMPTY($_GET['tbl'])?strtolower($_GET['tbl']):die('Insert Table!');

    Forget the die() alerts as this is DEV mode. In PRO mode user won;t see such mssges but user friendly mssges. Do not worry. I was just trying to learn how to give alerts if TERNARY was triggering ELSE. That's all. Learning the basics of ternary.

    I was doing it like this ....
    </i>$tables = array('admin','users','members');
    $links_table_columns = array('id','date_and_time','domain','domain_email','word','phrase');

    die('Invalid Mysql Table!');

    die('Invalid Mysql Table!');

    Again, this is DEV mode.

    Reason why the $_GET['tbl'] is getting checked with ISSET and not getting checked with EMPTY is because if the $_GET['tbl'] is empty then the script would check by default a table. Like index_tbl.

    Is this ok as it is working without errors. I will remove the 'echo' in PROD mode.
    </i>echo $tbl = ISSET($_GET['tbl'])?strtolower($_GET['tbl']):links;
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    @NogDogAug 09.2022 β€”Β > @novice2022#1645720 I was doing it like this

    Looks like that's probably okay then (checking against an array of allowed values).

    > @novice2022#1645720 How did you draw that cartoon and how long it took ?

    I didn't: https://xkcd.com/327/
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    @novice2022authorAug 09.2022 β€”Β @NogDog#1645722

    Seen that cartoon before.Looks familiar. But not on that website. Probly on another tutorial site. They usually copy each others contents.
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    @NogDogAug 09.2022 β€”Β > @novice2022#1645724 They usually copy each others contents.

    XKCD is the original source (the site I linked). He's been running that site for years, and has a number of books published on related nerdy topics, such as [u][What If?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_If%3F_(book))[/u].
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    @novice2022authorAug 09.2022 β€”Β @NogDog#1645729

    Ok. Will checkout the wiki link. Have a hunch will be interested as just read the first line about some book.

    In the meanwhile, can you shower your brain cells this way ?



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