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Two MIN and MAX queries

I’ve got a MYSQL query. Selecting FROM a ‘matchResults ‘table but some fields are coming from matchData, teamData tables.

In my matchResults table I have resultDate.

Currently this is part of my query which works nicely.

SELECT DISTINCT rd.playerId, t.teamName, t.teamId, MIN(rd.resultDate) as FD, MAX(rd.resultDate) as LD,

Where FD and LD are finding the first and last dates for a team when the teamId is given in the WHERE clause.

Some results (game outcomes) have a indicator on them, indicating the match was played for a shield. the Column is called ‘margsResult’ which is either 1 or 0.

I’m trying to also result the first and last dates of these matches. Tried doing this.

CASE WHEN g.margsResult = 1 THEN MIN(rd.resultDate) ELSE 0 END as FTG,

But I still get the lowest or earliest date.

Any ideas?

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@NogDogJun 04.2021 — Probably need more info (like maybe the whole query?). Presumably there's some group by action going on, and no idea how you're joining whatever g is?
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@kiwisauthorJun 04.2021 — Sure, I guess what I'm trying to do is return two dates, possibly from two different rows in one single query.
</i>SELECT DISTINCT rd.playerId, t.teamName, t.teamId, MIN(rd.resultDate) as FD, MAX(rd.resultDate) as LD,
SUM(md.scores) as Scores,
SUM(md.Bonus) as Bns,

IF(rd.homeaway = 1, mr.team1Id, mr.team2Id) as myteamId <br/>
FROM <span><code>matchResults</code></span> mr <br/>
JOIN <span><code>resultData</code></span> rd ON mr.gameId = rd.gameId
JOIN <span><code>teams</code></span> t ON t.teamId = IF(rd.homeaway = 1, mr.team1Id, mr.team2Id)
WHERE <span><code>playerId</code></span> = ? AND <span><code>didntPlay</code></span> = 0 AND t.teamType = ?

GROUP BY rd.playerId, t.teamName <br/>
ORDER BY MIN(mrkickOff) ASC";
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@NogDogJun 06.2021 — Sorry for the delay, but -- still not clear to me where g.margsResult comes from?
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@kiwisauthorJun 06.2021 — @NogDog#1632616

that's alight. I've removed the dates from my display now but would add them in if I can. (I don't believe I can from my query).

margsResult is a field in the matchResults table. It's eith 1 or 0, 0 by default.


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