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How to handle and interpolate a dynamic template literal string’s format

How to handle and interpolate a dynamic template literal string’s format with values that can sometimes contain all 6 variables(maximum) but can contain format with sometimes just 2 variables, sometimes with sometimes just 4 variables. Please note order for the variables can be different.

I get template literal string’s format from database for cardLabel property to display. I have a deal object and the values will come from that object: deal={group: ‘aaa’, Desc: ‘abcd’ ….etc}

cardLabel’s dynamic template literal string’s format examples:

cardLabel='{Group} {Desc} – {termMonth} Month – {termOdometer} KMs/Miles {DeductibleAmount} {DeductibleType}’;

cardLabel='{Desc} – {termMonth} Month – {termOdometer} KMs/Miles’;

cardLabel='{Desc} {Group} – {termMonth} Month’;

cardLabel='{Group} {Desc} – {termMonth} Month {DeductibleAmount}’;

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12 Comments(s)

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@JMRKERJan 13.2021 — Are all 6 (maximum) variables available for the template literal each time the display is to be constructed, even if not used each time?

Can you provide an example of the contents of these variables (brief list)?
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@JMRKERJan 13.2021 — Giving a SWAG at the data to be displayed, here is something you can expand upon.
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>
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<title> Template Literals </title>
<!-- From: https://www.webdeveloper.com/d/392388-how-to-handle-and-interpolate-a-dynamic-template-literal-strings-format -->



// cardLabel’s dynamic template literal string's format examples:

const cardLabel1
= (Group,Desc,termMonth,termOdometer,DeductibleAmount,DeductibleType) =>
<span><code>${Group} ${Desc} - ${termMonth} Month - ${termOdometer} KMs/Miles ${DeductibleAmount} ${DeductibleType}</code></span>;

const cardLabel2
= (Group,Desc,termMonth,termOdometer,DeductibleAmount,DeductibleType) =&gt;
<span><code>${Desc} - ${termMonth} Month - ${termOdometer} KMs/Miles</code></span>;

const cardLabel3
= (Group,Desc,termMonth,termOdometer,DeductibleAmount,DeductibleType) =&gt;
<span><code>${Desc} ${Group} - ${termMonth} Month</code></span>;

const cardLabel4
= (Group,Desc,termMonth,termOdometer,DeductibleAmount,DeductibleType) =&gt;
<span><code>${Group} ${Desc} - ${termMonth} Month ${DeductibleAmount}</code></span>;


// Alternative constructs
const cardLabelA
= (Group,Desc,termMonth,termOdometer,DeductibleAmount,DeductibleType) =&gt;
<span><code>${Group} ${Desc} - ${termMonth} Month - ${termOdometer} KMs/Miles ${DeductibleAmount} ${DeductibleType}</code></span>;

const cardLabelB
= (Desc,termMonth,termOdometer) =&gt;
<span><code>${Desc} - ${termMonth} Month - ${termOdometer} KMs/Miles</code></span>;

const cardLabelC
= (Group,Desc,termMonth) =&gt;
<span><code>${Desc} ${Group} - ${termMonth} Month</code></span>;

const cardLabelD
= (Group,Desc,termMonth,DeductibleAmount) =&gt;
<span><code>${Group} ${Desc} - ${termMonth} Month ${DeductibleAmount}</code></span>;



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@asifakhtarauthorJan 13.2021 — @JMRKER#1626729

contents : deal={group: 'aaa', Desc: 'abcd' ....etc}
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@NogDogJan 13.2021 — @JMRKER#1626730 Replaced your single back-ticks with ... tags. ;)
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@JMRKERJan 13.2021 — @NogDog#1626754


I just clicked on the instructions with "</>" in the reply section and it seemed to work at the time.

Is there some rule about using "</>" versus "[ code] ... [ /code]" versus "``" as shown in the section?

Appreciate the fix.
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@JMRKERJan 13.2021 — Second attempt with OP's pseudo-data.
</i>&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;&lt;html lang="en"&gt;&lt;head&gt;
&lt;meta charset="UTF-8"&gt;
&lt;meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/&gt;
&lt;title&gt; Template Literals &lt;/title&gt;
&lt;!-- From: https://www.webdeveloper.com/d/392388-how-to-handle-and-interpolate-a-dynamic-template-literal-strings-format --&gt;

&lt;pre id='demo'&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;

/* Following is for testing purposes only */
var demo='demo';
function log() { // separate lines
let s=''; for (const v of arguments) { s += v+' '; }
document.getElementById(demo).innerHTML += s+'&lt;br&gt;';
function logs() { // merged lines (single space)
let s=''; for (const v of arguments) { s += v+' '; }
document.getElementById(demo).innerHTML += s; // NO new line added

const deal = {
Group: 'aaa',
Desc: 'abcd',
termMonth: 'January',
termOdometer: '12345',
DeductibleAmount: 25,
DeductibleType: 'Medical'

// cardLabel’s dynamic template literal string's format examples:

const cardLabel1 = ( deal ) =&gt; {
( { Group,Desc,termMonth,termOdometer,DeductibleAmount,DeductibleType } = deal );
return <span><code>${Group} ${Desc} - ${termMonth} Month - ${termOdometer} KMs/Miles ${DeductibleAmount} ${DeductibleType}</code></span>;
const cardLabel2 = ( deal ) =&gt; {
( { Group,Desc,termMonth,termOdometer,DeductibleAmount,DeductibleType } = deal );
return <span><code>${Desc} - ${termMonth} Month - ${termOdometer} KMs/Miles</code></span>;
const cardLabel3 = ( deal ) =&gt; {
( { Group,Desc,termMonth,termOdometer,DeductibleAmount,DeductibleType } = deal );
return <span><code>${Desc} ${Group} - ${termMonth} Month</code></span>;
const cardLabel4 = ( deal ) =&gt; {
( { Group,Desc,termMonth,termOdometer,DeductibleAmount,DeductibleType } = deal );
return <span><code>${Group} ${Desc} - ${termMonth} Month ${DeductibleAmount}</code></span>;




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@NogDogJan 13.2021 — @JMRKER#1626756 The &lt;/&gt; button in the editor just puts single "back-tick" characters around the text, which apparently is really only telling the site to make it mono-spaced text. So it's fine for inline text like this, but loses indenting and stuff in a code block. (Also, if that code block happens to have a back-tick in it, you're kind of screwed. :) )

So, for a _block_ of code, your best bet is to surround it with ... tags. Alternatively, you can also use the "markdown" syntax of triple back-ticks...```...just before and just after the code block.

Yes, I agree, it would be nice if the code button put in code block tags instead of inline tags, but... 🤷‍♂️
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@JMRKERJan 14.2021 — @NogDog#1626758 Thanks, I'll keep those suggestions in mind (until I lose it or forget again) :)
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@asifakhtarauthorJan 16.2021 — @JMRKER#1626762 Thanks for you help but I was looking for something like that:

const deal = {

Desc: "description",

termMonth: "April",

termOdometer: "120",

Group: "ABC",

DeductibleAmount: "123"


let cardLabel='{Desc} - {termMonth} Month - {termOdometer} KMs/Miles';

Object.keys(deal).forEach(key => {

cardLabel = cardLabel.replace("{" + key + "}", deal[key]);


output.innerText = cardLabel;
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@SempervivumJan 16.2021 — @asifakhtar#1626861 That code works fine. Are there any issues or questions left?
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@JMRKERJan 17.2021 — @asifakhtar#1626861 There are many ways to remove the epidermis from a feline.

Whatever works to your satisfaction is the right answer for you.

Good Luck! :)
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@rpg2009Jan 17.2021 — > @JMRKER#1626757 const cardLabel1 = ( deal ) => {

> ( { Group,Desc,termMonth,termOdometer,DeductibleAmount,DeductibleType } = deal );

> return ${Group} ${Desc} - ${termMonth} Month - ${termOdometer} KMs/Miles ${DeductibleAmount} ${DeductibleType};

> }

One step further, possibly
</i>const cardLabel1 = ({ Group, Desc, termMonth, termOdometer, DeductibleAmount, DeductibleType }) =&gt; (
${Group} ${Desc} - ${termMonth} Month - ${termOdometer} KMs/Miles ${DeductibleAmount} ${DeductibleType}

> @JMRKER#1626866 There are many ways to remove the epidermis from a feline

Skin a cat, in other words :)


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