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‘filter’ function modification

I modified the following code from:

It works OK, but I would like to change it further.

I wish to somehow pass the GLOBAL variable ‘state’
as part of the ‘filter’ function so as to avoid global assignments.

How is the information passed in the ‘filter’ function? ?


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″ />
<title> filter() test </title>

Count ‘y’ &amp; ‘n’ &amp ‘-‘ characters
in this array [‘y’,’n’,’y’,’n’,’y’]
<button onclick=”myFunction()”>Try it</button>
<pre id=”demo”></pre>

function doc(IDS) { return document.getElementById(IDS); } // reduce typing function

var consent = [‘y’,’n’,’y’,’n’,’y’],
state = ‘y’;
function checkConsent(YN) { return YN == state; }

function myFunction() {
state = ‘y’; doc(“demo”).innerHTML = ‘Y: ‘+ consent.filter(checkConsent).length+'<br>’;
state = ‘n’; doc(“demo”).innerHTML += ‘N: ‘+ consent.filter(checkConsent).length+'<br>’;
state = ‘-‘; doc(“demo”).innerHTML += ‘-: ‘+ consent.filter(checkConsent).length+'<br>’;


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@SempervivumJan 09.2018 — Unfortunately the parameters of the callback function cannot be modified. The only solution I'm aware of is this:
function myFilter(arr, state) {
function checkConsent(YN) {
return YN == state;
return arr.filter(checkConsent);
function myFunction() {
doc("demo").innerHTML = 'Y: ' + myFilter(consent, 'y').length + '&lt;br&gt;';
doc("demo").innerHTML += 'n: ' + myFilter(consent, 'n').length + '&lt;br&gt;';
doc("demo").innerHTML += '-: ' + myFilter(consent, '-').length + '&lt;br&gt;';
Unfortunately defining the callback in the global scope doesn't work:
function checkConsent(YN) {
return YN == state;
function myFilter(arr, state, callback) {
return arr.filter(callback);
function myFunction1() {
doc("demo").innerHTML = 'Y: ' + myFilter(consent, 'y', checkConsent).length + '&lt;br&gt;';
doc("demo").innerHTML += 'n: ' + myFilter(consent, 'n', checkConsent).length + '&lt;br&gt;';
doc("demo").innerHTML += '-: ' + myFilter(consent, '-', checkConsent).length + '&lt;br&gt;';
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@SempervivumJan 09.2018 — PS: Researched further and figured out this:
function checkConsent(YN) {
return YN == this.state;
function myFilter(arr, st, callback) {
var par = { state: st };
return arr.filter(callback, par);
function myFunction1() {
doc("demo").innerHTML = 'Y: ' + myFilter(consent, 'y', checkConsent).length + '&lt;br&gt;';
doc("demo").innerHTML += 'n: ' + myFilter(consent, 'n', checkConsent).length + '&lt;br&gt;';
doc("demo").innerHTML += '-: ' + myFilter(consent, '-', checkConsent).length + '&lt;br&gt;';


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@SempervivumJan 09.2018 — PPS: This procedure can be easily applied to your initial code:
function checkConsent(YN) {
return YN == this.state;

<i> </i> function myFunction1() {
<i> </i> doc("demo").innerHTML = 'Y: ' + consent.filter(checkConsent, {state: 'y'}).length + '&lt;br&gt;';
<i> </i> doc("demo").innerHTML += 'n: ' + consent.filter(checkConsent, {state: 'n'}).length + '&lt;br&gt;';
<i> </i> doc("demo").innerHTML += '-: ' + consent.filter(checkConsent, {state: '-'}).length + '&lt;br&gt;';
<i> </i> }
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@JMRKERauthorJan 09.2018 — PPS: This procedure can be easily applied to your initial code:
function checkConsent(YN) {
return YN == this.state;

<i> </i> function myFunction1() {
<i> </i> doc("demo").innerHTML = 'Y: ' + consent.filter(checkConsent, {state: 'y'}).length + '&lt;br&gt;';
<i> </i> doc("demo").innerHTML += 'n: ' + consent.filter(checkConsent, {state: 'n'}).length + '&lt;br&gt;';
<i> </i> doc("demo").innerHTML += '-: ' + consent.filter(checkConsent, {state: '-'}).length + '&lt;br&gt;';
<i> </i> }

Thank you for the code and the reference.

Nice solution. ?


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