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[RESOLVED] External JS file load or reference difficulty

I have three files in the same directory. They are ‘proTable.html’, ‘proTable.js’ and ‘table.css’ and are shown below.

When the JS file is used externally with a <script> tag
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”proTable.js”></script>
I get only a 3 line display. ?

When the JS file is copied and pasted over where the above <script> is located,
all displays on the screen as desired. ?
I use:
<script type=”text/javascript”>
// contents of external JS file ‘proTable.js’ is pasted here when ‘src=”proTable.js”‘ removed

I have tried loading the external file before the </head>, before the </body>
both before and after the display testing <script> code.

Has anyone any idea as to what I am doing wrong? ?
I am at a lost as to why the external JS file load does not work the same as the in-line version.

The files I am using are:
CSS file: ‘table.css’

/* table.css */

/* Defined in HTML source file
#tblContainer3 { display: table; width:50%; }
#tblContainer2 { display: table; width:40%; }
#tblContainer { display: table; width:60%; border:1px solid; }

.tblHead { display: table-row; text-align:center; background-Color:#c0c0c0; }
.tblFoot { display: table-row; text-align:center; background-Color:#e0ffe0; font-weight:bold; }
.tblRow { display: table-row; }
.tblCell { display: table-cell; padding:3px; border:1px solid; }

.tblLeft { display: table-cell; padding:3px; border:1px solid; width:20%; }
.tblMiddle { display: table-cell; padding:3px; border:1px solid; }
.tblRight { display: table-cell; padding:3px; border:1px solid; width:30%; }


JS file: ‘proTable.js’

// proTable.js
// Requires CSS definitions in table.css

function isEmpty(val) { return !val; }
// function returns true if val is: empty, null, undefined, false, the number 0 or NaN.

Array.prototype.toCSStable = function(Head,Foot) {
Array.prototype.setRow = function() {
return this.map( function(a) { return ‘<div class=”tblCell”>’+a+'</div>’; } ).join(”);
var CSStable = this.slice(0);
var Footer = ”, str = ”;
if ( ! isEmpty(Head) ) { str = ‘<div class=”tblHead”>’+CSStable.shift().setRow()+'</div>’; }
if ( ! isEmpty(Foot) ) { Footer = ‘<div class=”tblFoot”>’+CSStable.pop().setRow()+'</div>’; }
for (var r=0; r<CSStable.length; r++) { str += ‘<div class=”tblRow”>’+CSStable[r].setRow()+'</div>’; }
if (Footer != ”) { str += Footer; }
return str;

Array.prototype.toCSStable3 = function(Head,Foot) {
Array.prototype.setRow = function() {
var strline = ‘<div class=”tblLeft”>’+this[0]+'</div>’;
strline += ‘<div class=”tblMiddle”>’+this[1]+'</div>’;
strline += ‘<div class=”tblRight”>’+this[2]+'</div>’;
return strline;
var CSStable = this.slice(0);
var Footer = ”, str = ”;
if ( ! isEmpty(Head) ) { str = ‘<div class=”tblHead”>’+CSStable.shift().setRow()+'</div>’; }
if ( ! isEmpty(Foot) ) { Footer = ‘<div class=”tblFoot”>’+CSStable.pop().setRow()+'</div>’; }
for (var r=0; r<CSStable.length; r++) { str += ‘<div class=”tblRow”>’+CSStable[r].setRow()+'</div>’; }
if (Footer != ”) { str += Footer; }
return str;


HTML file: ‘proTable.html’

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″ />
<title> toCSStable </title>
<link href=”table.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css”>
<style type=”text/css”>
#tblContainer3 { display: table; width:50%; }
#tblContainer2 { display: table; width:40%; }
#tblContainer { display: table; width:60%; border:1px solid; }
<h3>Table 1</h3> <div id=”tblContainer”></div>
<h3>Table 2</h3> <div id=”tblContainer2″></div>
<h3>Other Table Examples </h3> <div id=”tblContainer3″></div>

<script type=”text/script” src=”proTable.js”></script>

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var tblInfo = [
[‘<b>Left Col Header</b>’,'<b>Col-1 Header</b>’,'<b>Col-2 Header</b>’,'<b>Right Col Header</b>’],
[‘<p>Contents of the left column of the 1st row</p>’,
‘<p>Contents of column 1 of the 1st row</p>’,
‘<p>Contents of column 2 of the 1st row</p>’,
‘<p>Contents of the right column of the 1st row</p>’],
[‘Contents of the left column of the 2nd row’,
‘Contents of column 2 of the 2nd row’,
‘Contents of column 2 of the 2nd row</p>’,
‘Contents of the right column of the 2nd row’],
[‘Left Col Footer’,’Col-1 Footer’,’Col-2 Footer’,’Right Col Footer’],
var tblInfo2 = [
[‘<b>Left Col Header</b>’,'<b>Middle Column Header</b>’,'<b>Right Col Header</b>’],
[‘<p>Contents of the left column of the 1st row</p>’,
‘<p>Contents of middle column of the 1st row</p>’,
‘<p>Contents of the right column of the 1st row</p>’],
[‘Contents of the left column of the 2nd row’,
‘Contents of middle column of the 2nd row’,
‘Contents of the right column of the 2nd row’],
[‘Left Col Footer’,’Middle Column Footer’,’Right Col Footer’],

window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById(‘tblContainer’).innerHTML = tblInfo.toCSStable(true,true);
document.getElementById(‘tblContainer2’).innerHTML = tblInfo.toCSStable();

document.getElementById(‘tblContainer3′).innerHTML += tblInfo2.toCSStable3(true,false)+'<p />’;
document.getElementById(‘tblContainer3′).innerHTML += tblInfo2.toCSStable3(false,true)+'<p />’;
document.getElementById(‘tblContainer3′).innerHTML += tblInfo2.toCSStable3(false,false)+'<p />’;


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3 Comments(s)

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@JMRKERauthorSep 02.2015 — Error console message I'm getting with call to external JS file is:
"TypeError: tblInfo.toCSStable is not a function"

Still cannot figure out the problem as it works with exact same code

placed inline where the external call is located.

Looking for anything to try to solve the problem and make it work

with the external call.
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@daveyerwinSep 03.2015 — <script type="text/script" src="proTable.js"></script>

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@JMRKERauthorSep 03.2015 — Thanks. See my comment on the other forum.


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